Associations to the word «Fiji»
- Vanuatu
- Samoa
- Caledonia
- Polynesia
- Papua
- Tahiti
- Eritrea
- Lau
- Mauritius
- Oceania
- Gabon
- Dominica
- Solomon
- Guinea
- Guyana
- Timor
- Wallis
- Coup
- Maldives
- Madagascar
- Guiana
- Brunei
- Suriname
- Seychelles
- Mara
- Cyclone
- Archipelago
- Laos
- Zealand
- Labourer
- Botswana
- Jamaica
- Rugby
- Guadalcanal
- Indonesia
- Cambodia
- Ethiopia
- Antilles
- Ghana
- Sugarcane
- Beatty
- Bahamas
- Ecuador
- Tobago
- Estonia
- Burundi
- Hawaii
- Salvador
- Myanmar
- Belize
- Namibia
- Pacific
- Honduras
- Barbados
- Hindi
- Malaysia
- Burkina
- Sulawesi
- Faso
- Magnitude
- Prasad
- Guatemala
- Mermaid
- Seven
- Grower
- Trinidad
- Dominican
- Auckland
- Malawi
- Bismarck
- Interim
- Hindus
- Australia
- Philippines
- Island
- Lanka
- Rica
- Kenya
- Airway
- Borneo
- Kyrgyzstan
- Islander
- Cane
- Cannibal
- Oman
- Cook
- Bangladesh
- Haiti
FIJI, proper noun. A country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands. Official name: Republic of the Fiji Islands.
FIJI HINDI, proper noun. The Indo-Iranian language spoken by people of Indian descent in Fiji.
Dictionary definition
FIJI, noun. An independent state within the British Commonwealth located on the Fiji Islands.
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.