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Associations to the word «Trenton»


TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Florida
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Georgia, USA
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Illinois
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Kentucky
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Maine
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Michigan
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Missouri
TRENTON, proper noun. A village in Nebraska
TRENTON, proper noun. The state capital of New Jersey, USA.
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in New York
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in North Carolina
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Nova Scotia
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Ohio
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in South Carolina
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Tennessee
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Texas
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Utah
TRENTON, proper noun. One of three towns in Wisconsin
TRENTON, proper noun. (chiefly US) A male given name derived from the place name.

Dictionary definition

TRENTON, noun. Capital of the state of New Jersey; located in western New Jersey on the Delaware river.

Wise words

In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Alexander Pope