Associations to the word «Trenton»
- Septum
- Nj
- Ewing
- Jersey
- Mercer
- Cornwallis
- Princeton
- Delaware
- Camden
- Monmouth
- Amtrak
- Newark
- Scranton
- Barre
- Burg
- Saratoga
- Thunder
- Brunswick
- Titan
- Wilkes
- Harrisburg
- Turnpike
- Bucks
- Yankee
- Wilmington
- Burlington
- Bridgeport
- Aa
- Philadelphia
- Lehigh
- Freeway
- Eritrea
- Paterson
- Transit
- Hancock
- Akron
- Speedway
- Ontario
- Subdivision
- Bunker
- Falls
- Crossing
- Continental
- Mott
- Trent
- Webb
- Annapolis
- Donnelly
- Alignment
- Commuter
- Pork
- Diocese
- Severn
- Forge
- Tad
- Edison
- Howe
- Parkway
- Doyle
- Plum
- Lula
- Eureka
- Washington
- Phantom
- Township
- Auspice
- Penn
- Stephanie
- Pennsylvania
- Ellsworth
- Affiliate
- Outpost
- Railroad
- Aaa
- Toll
- Tampa
- Triple
- Chrysler
- Northeast
- Waterfront
- Stockton
- Missouri
- Strikeout
- Maverick
- Easton
- Scotia
- Cr
- Concord
- Cl
- Colonial
- Limestone
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Florida
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Georgia, USA
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Illinois
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Kentucky
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Maine
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Michigan
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Missouri
TRENTON, proper noun. A village in Nebraska
TRENTON, proper noun. The state capital of New Jersey, USA.
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in New York
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in North Carolina
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Nova Scotia
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Ohio
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in South Carolina
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Tennessee
TRENTON, proper noun. A city in Texas
TRENTON, proper noun. A town in Utah
TRENTON, proper noun. One of three towns in Wisconsin
TRENTON, proper noun. (chiefly US) A male given name derived from the place name.
Dictionary definition
TRENTON, noun. Capital of the state of New Jersey; located in western New Jersey on the Delaware river.
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.