Associations to the word «Scranton»
- Barre
- Wilkes
- Penguin
- Pennsylvania
- Yankee
- Harrisburg
- Aaa
- Triple
- Trenton
- Stamford
- Pam
- Lehigh
- Worthington
- Wheeling
- Affiliate
- Calder
- Pa
- Susquehanna
- Dwight
- Dickson
- Nellie
- Trolley
- Quadrangle
- Pittsburgh
- Miner
- Dl
- Shamrock
- Easton
- Waiver
- Rockefeller
- Chum
- Erie
- Toby
- Erin
- Wyoming
- Darryl
- Mulberry
- Marquette
- Syracuse
- Dietrich
- Turnpike
- Diocese
- Tribune
- Bethlehem
- Bridgeport
- Delaware
- Employee
- Batavia
- Hara
- Spokane
- Jenna
- Horatio
- Sabre
- Pioneer
- Branch
- Hartford
- Casey
- Tko
- Penn
- Argus
- Pts
- Yeshiva
- Pitching
- Salesman
- Doherty
- Novak
- Philadelphia
- Red
- Holly
- Hillary
- Romney
- Montrose
- Downtown
- Leach
- Mcnamara
- Coal
- Frazer
- Jesuit
- Hugh
- Excursion
- Baron
- Clipper
- Roaring
- Loyola
- Railroad
- Milford
Dictionary definition
SCRANTON, noun. An industrial city of northeastern Pennsylvania.
Wise words
The words of truth are simple.