Associations to the word «Marquette»
- Pere
- Milwaukee
- Wisconsin
- Portage
- Michigan
- Jacques
- Mcguire
- Huron
- Chesapeake
- Ste
- Dauphin
- Lansing
- Dentistry
- Duluth
- Georgetown
- Explorer
- Seton
- Houghton
- Flint
- Mississippi
- Superior
- Rapid
- Mcgregor
- Ore
- Mf
- Amtrak
- Sawyer
- Scranton
- Avalanche
- Carp
- Bellevue
- Lac
- Riding
- Madison
- Ncaa
- Manitoba
- Minneapolis
- Railroad
- Loyola
- Sorority
- Whitaker
- Peninsula
- Louisville
- Xavier
- Basketball
- Grafton
- Detroit
- Lille
- Eagle
- Interchange
- University
- Dame
- Cr
- Alton
- Golden
- Jesuit
- Illinois
- Wade
- Diocese
- Prairie
- Halfback
- Aquinas
- Rebound
- Keyword
- Husky
- Iowa
- Bachelor
- Journalism
- Roadway
- Ely
- Luce
- County
- Bypass
- Forsyth
- Missionary
- Erie
- Packer
- Pee
- Halftime
- Cincinnati
- Acc
- Davenport
- Kappa
- Chicago
- Tran
- Shipwreck
- Westerly
- Badger
- Mi
Dictionary definition
MARQUETTE, noun. French missionary who accompanied Louis Joliet in exploring the upper Mississippi River valley (1637-1675).
MARQUETTE, noun. A town on Lake Superior on the Upper Peninsula in northwest Michigan.
Wise words
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.