Associations to the word «Westerly»
- Wind
- Easterly
- Monsoon
- Latitude
- Rhode
- Trough
- Gale
- Convection
- Equator
- Shear
- Breeze
- Longitude
- Direction
- Cyclone
- Headwater
- Fourteen
- Meridian
- Thirteen
- Tropic
- Hemisphere
- Precipitation
- Azores
- Headland
- Escarpment
- Rainfall
- Typhoon
- Sixteen
- Circulation
- Weather
- Oceanic
- Anchorage
- Nineteen
- Moisture
- Snowfall
- Fifteen
- Swell
- Intersection
- Strait
- Flow
- Atlantic
- Ri
- Current
- Eighteen
- Seventeen
- Heading
- Roaring
- Berth
- Landfall
- Calm
- Cape
- Vortex
- Deg
- Fathom
- Sou
- Amtrak
- Thermometer
- Junction
- Norwich
- Isthmus
WESTERLY, adjective. Situated in the west.
WESTERLY, adjective. (of wind) Coming from the west.
WESTERLY, adverb. Towards the west.
WESTERLY, noun. A westerly wind or storm.
Dictionary definition
WESTERLY, noun. The winds from the west that occur in the temperate zones of the Earth.
WESTERLY, adverb. Toward the west; "we began to steer away westerly"- Daniel Defoe.
WESTERLY, adverb. From the west; "the wind blew westerly".
WESTERLY, adjective. Of wind; from the west.
WESTERLY, adjective. Moving toward the west; "westbound pioneers".
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