Associations to the word «Middle»


MIDDLE, noun. A centre, midpoint.
MIDDLE, noun. The part between the beginning and the end.
MIDDLE, noun. (cricket) The middle stump.
MIDDLE, noun. The central part of a human body.
MIDDLE, noun. (grammar) The middle voice.
MIDDLE, adjective. Located in the middle; in between.
MIDDLE, adjective. Central.
MIDDLE, adjective. Pertaining to the middle voice.
MIDDLE AGE, noun. The period of life between youth and old age; midlife
MIDDLE AGES, proper noun. (history) The period of primarily European history between the decline of the Western Roman Empire (antiquity) and the early modern period or the Renaissance; the time between c. 500 and 1500.
MIDDLE AMERICA, proper noun. (US) A portion of the United States comprising rural and suburban areas, and the mindsets of these areas.
MIDDLE AMERICA, proper noun. (US) The American middle class.
MIDDLE AMERICA, proper noun. (US) The Midwestern United States.
MIDDLE AMERICA, proper noun. A geographical region comprising Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
MIDDLE AMERICAN, noun. A resident of Middle America
MIDDLE ARMENIAN, proper noun. Middle period of the Armenian language, written down in the 11-17th centuries. Developed from Old Armenian, replaced by modern Armenian.
MIDDLE BODIES, noun. Plural of middle body
MIDDLE BODY, noun. (nautical) The part of a vessel adjacent to the midship section having a uniform or nearly uniform cross-section, usually referred to as the parallel middle body.
MIDDLE BODY, noun. (anatomy) The midsection of the body.
MIDDLE BRETON, proper noun. Extinct European language of the Brittonic subgroup of families, spoken in the North of France in the between the 11th and the 16th century AD.
MIDDLE C, noun. (music) A specific musical note, particularly the note C4, at approximately 261.6 hertz, appearing at the middle of the alto staff and directly between the treble and bass staves.
MIDDLE C, noun. (music) The key on a piano or other keyboard instrument corresponding to this note.
MIDDLE C'S, noun. Plural of middle C
MIDDLE CHILD, noun. (psychology) In an immediate family containing three children, the child who is neither the oldest nor the youngest, often believed to receive less parental attention than do his or her two siblings and to have skills as a mediator.
MIDDLE CHINESE, proper noun. Chinese language spoken during Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties (6th century - 10th century)
MIDDLE CLASS, noun. A social and economic class lying above the working class and below the upper class.
MIDDLE CLASS, noun. (plural) The groups in society composed of professionals, semi-professionals, and lower-to-middle managerial level workers.
MIDDLE CLASSES, noun. Plural of middle class
MIDDLE CS, noun. Plural of middle C
MIDDLE DUTCH, proper noun. Collective name for a number of closely related West Germanic dialects (whose ancestor was Old Dutch) which were spoken and written between 1150 and 1500 in the present-day Dutch-speaking area. There was at that time as yet no overarching standard language, but they were all mutually intelligible.
MIDDLE EAR, noun. (anatomy) The cavity in the temporal bone between the eardrum and the inner ear that contains the ossicles, and which conveys sound to the cochlea.
MIDDLE EARS, noun. Plural of middle ear
MIDDLE EARTH, proper noun. Alternative letter-case form of middle-earth
MIDDLE EARTH, proper noun. Alternative letter-case form of Middle-earth
MIDDLE EARTH, proper noun. Alternative spelling of middle-earth
MIDDLE EAST, proper noun. (dated) The region between the Near East and the Far East.
MIDDLE EAST, proper noun. The region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa.
MIDDLE EASTERN, adjective. Of, or relating to the Middle East
MIDDLE EASTERNER, noun. Someone from the Middle East.
MIDDLE EASTERNERS, noun. Plural of Middle Easterner
MIDDLE EASTERNISM, noun. A characteristically Middle Eastern cultural feature, such as a belief, custom or linguistic feature.
MIDDLE EASTERNIZATION, noun. The process of assimilation, by a society, of the customs and practices of Middle Eastern culture
MIDDLE EASTERNIZE, verb. To make something Middle Eastern in character.
MIDDLE EASTERNIZED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of Middle Easternize
MIDDLE EASTERNIZES, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Middle Easternize
MIDDLE EASTERNIZING, verb. Present participle of Middle Easternize
MIDDLE EGYPTIAN, proper noun. (linguistics) (history) The form of the Egyptian language used between 2000 BC and 1300 BC.
MIDDLE EIGHT, noun. The third of four eight-bar sections in thirty-two-bar-form (AABA-form) music.
MIDDLE ENGLAND, proper noun. The English Midlands.
MIDDLE ENGLAND, noun. The conservative white middle classes who live outside London, considered as a group.
MIDDLE ENGLANDER, proper noun. A white, conservative, middle class member of Middle England.
MIDDLE ENGLISH, proper noun. The ancient or older language of Modern English, spoken in England and parts of Scotland (where it became Lowland Scots) from about 1100 AD to 1500 AD. It developed from Anglo-Saxon, also called Old English, with heavy influence from French and Latin after the Norman invasion.
MIDDLE FINGER, noun. The finger between the forefinger and the ring finger; this is the longest finger.
MIDDLE FINGER, noun. An obscene gesture directed towards another as an insult: a literal or sometimes figurative raising of the middle finger at someone.
MIDDLE FINGERS, noun. Plural of middle finger
MIDDLE FRENCH, proper noun. A historical division of the French language, spoken roughly from 1340 to 1610, during which French became established as the official language of France.
MIDDLE GAME, noun. Alternative form of middlegame
MIDDLE GREEK, proper noun. Byzantine Greek
MIDDLE GROUND, noun. (idiomatic) a compromise position between extremes
MIDDLE GROUND, noun. (photography) the middle distance
MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN, proper noun. An ancestor of the modern German language, and was spoken from 1050 to about 1500. Some linguists prefer to use 1350 as the end of the Middle High German period, calling the period from 1350 to 1650 Early New High German.
MIDDLE HUNDREDS, noun. Unspecified number greater than 133 (when compared to low hundreds) and less than or 166 (when compared to high hundreds)
MIDDLE INFIELD, noun. (baseball) The fielders near second base; the second baseman and shortstop.
MIDDLE INFIELD, noun. (baseball) The portion of the infield consisting of second base and home plate, including the catcher, second baseman, and shortstop.
MIDDLE INFIELDER, noun. (baseball) A player whose fielding position is in the middle infield (the second baseman and shortstop).
MIDDLE INFIELDERS, noun. Plural of middle infielder
MIDDLE IRANIAN, proper noun. Collective name for a number of Indo-European Iranian languages spoken between the 4th century BC and the 9th century AD.
MIDDLE IRISH, proper noun. The Gaelic language spoken in Ireland during the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries.
MIDDLE JAPANESE, proper noun. The ancestor language of Japanese, spoken in the period c. 800–1600.
MIDDLE KINGDOM, proper noun. A nickname for China.
MIDDLE KINGDOM, proper noun. Egypt in the 12th and 13th dynasties.
MIDDLE KOREAN, proper noun. Korean in the 10th century to 16th century, or from the era of Goryeo to the middle of Joseon, based on the dialect of Kaesong because the new Goryeo dynasty moved its capital city to northern area of Korean peninsula.
MIDDLE LAMELLA, noun. (biology) The intercellular material, composed mostly of pectin, that facilitates adhesion between neighbouring plant cells
MIDDLE LATIN, proper noun. A form of the Latin language used in the Middle Ages, primarily as a medium of scholarly exchange and as the liturgical language of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but also as a language of science, literature, law, and administration.
MIDDLE LEG, noun. (euphemistic) (figurative) The penis.
MIDDLE LOW GERMAN, proper noun. A language that descended from Old Saxon and is the ancestor of modern Low German, spoken from about 1100 to 1600.
MIDDLE MAN, noun. Alternative spelling of middleman
MIDDLE MANAGEMENT, noun. (business) In a large organization, the group of managers or administrators who occupy positions in the company hierarchy which, generally, are above the level of front-line supervisors but below the level of vice-presidents .
MIDDLE MANAGER, noun. (business) In a large organization, a manager or administrator who occupies a position in the organizational hierarchy which is above the level of a front-line supervisor but below the level of a vice-president or similar senior manager.
MIDDLE MEN, noun. Plural of middle man
MIDDLE NAME, noun. A name between the given name and the family name or surname
MIDDLE NAME, noun. (figuratively) A trait, activity, or action closely associated with or that excellently describes a person.
MIDDLE NAMES, noun. Plural of middle name
MIDDLE NORWEGIAN, proper noun. The interim language in Norway between 1350 (the Black Plague) and 1525. An amalgam of Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, following Old Norse.
MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, noun. (idiomatic) A very remote place; a nondescript place lacking population, interesting things, or defining characteristics.
MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, adjective. (idiomatic) Having a centrist attitude or philosophy; not extreme, especially politically.
MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, adjective. (music) Of a type of melodic popular music that has wide appeal.
MIDDLE ORDER, noun. (cricket) the batsmen who bat in positions 5 to 7; often the poorer batsmen, the wicket-keeper and the bowlers who can bat best
MIDDLE PASSAGE, noun. (obsolete) A middle way, especially between two extremes; an intermediate path in space or time.
MIDDLE PASSAGE, noun. (now historical) Specifically, the middle part of the sea voyage by which slaves were transported from Africa to America.
MIDDLE PERSIAN, proper noun. The ancestor of New Persian spoken from around 300 BC till about 800 AD, evolving from Old Persian.
MIDDLE RIB, noun. A cut of beef between the chuck rib and fore ribs.
MIDDLE SAXON, proper noun. Middle Low German
MIDDLE SCHOOL, noun. (schools) A school which crosses the traditional divide between primary school and secondary school
MIDDLE SCHOOLS, noun. Plural of middle school
MIDDLE STUMP, noun. (cricket) the stump in the middle of the batsman's wicket
MIDDLE STUMPS, noun. Plural of middle stump
MIDDLE TILDE, noun. A tilde that runs through a character halfway up instead of being placed above it.
MIDDLE VOICE, noun. (grammar) The form in which the subject of a verb performs some action upon itself.
MIDDLE WATUT, proper noun. A language spoken in 7 villages of the Watut Valley in Papua New Guinea.
MIDDLE WAY, noun. The middle of three paths.
MIDDLE WAY, noun. An intermediate course (of action, policy etc) between two extremes; a compromise.
MIDDLE WAY, noun. The midpoint of a person's life; middle age.
MIDDLE WELSH, proper noun. The Welsh language as spoken from the 12th to 14th centuries
MIDDLE YOUTH, noun. A period in life where one can not be described as young, but does not consider or wish to be considered middle-aged.

Dictionary definition

MIDDLE, noun. An area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm".
MIDDLE, noun. An intermediate part or section; "A whole is that which has beginning, middle, and end"- Aristotle.
MIDDLE, noun. The middle area of the human torso (usually in front); "young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable".
MIDDLE, noun. Time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period; "the middle of the war"; "rain during the middle of April".
MIDDLE, verb. Put in the middle.
MIDDLE, adjective. Being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series; "adolescence is an awkward in-between age"; "in a mediate position"; "the middle point on a line".
MIDDLE, adjective. Equally distant from the extremes.
MIDDLE, adjective. Of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages; "Middle English is the English language from about 1100 to 1500"; "Middle Gaelic".
MIDDLE, adjective. Between an earlier and a later period of time; "in the middle years"; "in his middle thirties".

Wise words

Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for.
Ray Bradbury