Associations to the word «Distal»


DISTAL, adjective. (anatomy) (geology) Remote from the point of attachment or origin; as, the distal end of a bone or muscle.
DISTAL, adjective. (dentistry) Facing the wisdom tooth or temporomandibular joint on the same side of the jaw.
DISTAL, adjective. (linguistics) Far from the speaker.
DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE, noun. (anatomy) The section of the nephron in the kidney that connects the loop of Henle to the collecting duct system.
DISTAL GOAL, noun. A long-term or primary goal
DISTAL PHALANGE, noun. Any of the phalanx bones at the tip of the fingers or toes.
DISTAL PHALANGES, noun. Plural of distal phalange

Dictionary definition

DISTAL, adjective. Situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone.
DISTAL, adjective. Directed away from the midline or mesial plane of the body.

Wise words

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Leo Buscaglia