Associations to the word «Inner»


INNER, adjective. Being or occurring (farther) inside, situated farther in, located (situated) or happening on the inside of something, situated within or farther within contained within something.
INNER, adjective. Close to the centre, located near or closer to center.
INNER, adjective. Inside or closer to the inside of the body.
INNER, adjective. Of mind or spirit, relating to the mind or spirit, to spiritual or mental processes, mental, spiritual, relating to somebody's private feelings or happening in somebody's mind, existing as an often repressed part of one's psychological makeup.
INNER, adjective. Not obvious, private, not expressed, not apparent, hidden, less apparent, deeper, obscure, ; innermost or essential, needing to be examined closely or thought about in order to be seen or understood.
INNER, adjective. Privileged, more or most privileged, more or most influential, intimate, exclusive, more important, more intimate, private, secret, confined to an exclusive group, exclusive to a center; especially a center of influence being near a center especially of influence.
INNER, noun. An inner part.
INNER, noun. A forward who plays in or near the center of the field.
INNER, noun. (cricket) A thin glove worn inside batting gloves or wicket-keeping gloves.
INNER ASIA, proper noun. A region of Asia, variously defined as having different frontiers.
INNER CABINET, noun. The (often informal) inner circle within a cabinet (which may itself by an official inner circle within a government or council of ministers) which includes only the ministers (or secretaries of state etc.) who are closest to the executive head of state, prime minister or equivalent (notably presiding) officer
INNER CABINETS, noun. Plural of inner cabinet
INNER CELL MASS, noun. (embryology) A mass of cells within a primordial embryo that will eventually develop into the distinct form of a fetus in most eutherian mammals.
INNER CHILD, noun. (psychology) The childlike aspect of a person's psyche — typically, the personality and the memories of one's childhood — especially in context of coexisting with, and being suppressed by, an adultlike aspect of the person.
INNER CHILD, noun. A metaphorical child who is the personification of this part of a person.
INNER CHILDREN, noun. Plural of inner child
INNER CIRCLE, noun. (idiomatic) The closest of friends of a person.
INNER CITIES, noun. Plural of inner city
INNER CITY, noun. The interior, central part of a city, as opposed to the suburbs
INNER CLASS, noun. (programming) (object-oriented) A class that is declared entirely within the body of another class.
INNER CLASSES, noun. Plural of inner class
INNER CORE, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see inner,‎ core.
INNER CORE, noun. (planetology) The solid material found in the centre of some planets at extremely high temperature and pressure, distinct from the liquid outer core.
INNER CORE, noun. (geology) The innermost part of the Earth, believed to be made of a nickel-iron alloy.
INNER CORES, noun. Plural of inner core
INNER DIAMETER, noun. The diameter of the inside of a tube, pipe or other object. Often abbreviated "ID".
INNER DIAMETERS, noun. Plural of inner diameter
INNER EAR, noun. (anatomy) The portion of the ear located within the temporal bone which includes the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea and is responsible for hearing and balance.
INNER EARS, noun. Plural of inner ear
INNER HEBRIDES, proper noun. The islands of the Hebrides around the coast of Scotland, separated from the Outer Hebrides by the Little Minch.
INNER MANCHURIA, proper noun. The portion of Manchuria falling within Northeast China, that was not lost from China by the Qing Dynasty to the Russian Empire
INNER MONGOLIA, proper noun. An East Asian region, south of Outer Mongolia (the present Mongolian republic), with closely related native Mongolian population, mostly north of the Great Wall, which however became part of the Chinese empire, and later an autonomous region in the People's Republic of China, comprising several northern provinces
INNER ORBITAL COMPLEX, noun. (inorganic chemistry) A complex, typically of a transition element, in which the hybridization of the central metal atom utilizes d orbitals from the shell inside that of the outermost occupied shell
INNER PEACE, noun. Peace of mind.
INNER PLANET, noun. (astronomy) (planets) Any planet of the Solar System whose orbit is located between the asteroid belt and the sun, i.e., any of Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Mars.
INNER PLANETS, noun. Plural of inner planet
INNER PRODUCT, noun. (linear algebra) A generalization of the dot product for vectors of any dimensionality that may or may not be complex-numbered.
INNER PRODUCT SPACE, noun. (mathematics) A vector space which is additionally equipped with an inner product.
INNER PRODUCTS, noun. Plural of inner product
INNER REGULAR, adjective. (analysis) (of a Borel set) Whose measure is equal to the supremum of the measures of all compact sets which are contained by it.
INNER SALT, noun. (chemistry) a zwitterion
INNER SANCTUM, noun. Sanctum sanctorum, Holy of Holies
INNER SOLAR SYSTEM, proper noun. The area of the Solar System that comprises certain objects that are relatively close to the Sun, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, while not including the other planets.
INNER STRENGTH, noun. (idiomatic) Integrity of character; resoluteness of will; mental resistance to doubt or discouragement.
INNER TIBET, proper noun. (dated) the area of high ethnic Tibetan populations that are outside of the area roughly equivalent to the Tibetan Autonomous Region, but inside of China
INNER TUBE, noun. An inflatable rubber tube inserted into the casing of a pneumatic tyre / tire
INNER TUBES, noun. Plural of inner tube
INNER WORKINGS, noun. The mechanisms that function internally to a system and are not outwardly visible

Dictionary definition

INNER, adjective. Located inward; "Beethoven's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle"- Leonard Bernstein; "she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it"- David Denby; "an internal sense of rightousness"- A.R.Gurney,Jr..
INNER, adjective. Located or occurring within or closer to a center; "an inner room".
INNER, adjective. Innermost or essential; "the inner logic of Cubism"; "the internal contradictions of the theory"; "the intimate structure of matter".
INNER, adjective. Confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge"; "inside information"; "privileged information".
INNER, adjective. Exclusive to a center; especially a center of influence; "inner regions of the organization"; "inner circles of government".
INNER, adjective. Inside or closer to the inside of the body; "the inner ear".

Wise words

Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's gone, gone forever.
Dan Quayle