Associations to the word «Suburb»
- Magpie
- Melbourne
- Inner
- Johannesburg
- Parramatta
- Hampstead
- Perth
- Brisbane
- Canberra
- Sydney
- Manly
- Adelaide
- Streetcar
- Dunedin
- Commuter
- Damascus
- Waverley
- Rooster
- Christchurch
- Auckland
- Parkland
- Premiership
- Geelong
- Fitzroy
- Electorate
- Kilometre
- Croydon
- Bellevue
- Pretoria
- Freeway
- Hobart
- Kew
- Queensland
- Shopping
- Ipswich
- Thoroughfare
- Downtown
- Beirut
- Australia
- Aleppo
- Parisian
- Norwood
- Cairns
- Mumbai
- Wales
- Fremantle
- Enfield
- Outskirt
- Hills
- Illinois
- Gully
- Shire
- Durban
- Seine
- Motorway
- Fairfield
- Brighton
- Hawthorn
- Minneapolis
- Tram
- Slum
- Kensington
- Belmont
- Claremont
- Newcastle
- Downs
- Nairobi
- Wellington
- Catchment
- Victoria
- Colombo
- Nea
SUBURB, noun. A residential area located on the outskirts of a city or large town that usually includes businesses that cater to its residents; such as schools, grocery stores, shopping centers, restaurants, etc.
SUBURB, noun. (by extension) The outer part; the environment.
SUBURB, noun. (AU) (NZ) Any subdivision of a conurbation, not necessarily on the periphery.
Dictionary definition
SUBURB, noun. A residential district located on the outskirts of a city.
Wise words
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