Associations to the word «Downs»
Pictures for the word «Downs»
DOWN, noun. (archaic except in place-names) Hill, rolling grassland
DOWN, noun. (usually plural) Field, especially for racing.
DOWN, noun. (UK) (mostly in the plural) A tract of poor, sandy, undulating or hilly land near the sea, covered with fine turf which serves chiefly for the grazing of sheep.
DOWN, noun. A road for shipping in the English Channel or Straits of Dover, near Deal, employed as a naval rendezvous in time of war.
DOWN, adverb. (comparable) From a higher position to a lower one; downwards.
DOWN, adverb. (comparable) At a lower and/or further along or away place or position along a set path.
DOWN, adverb. South (as south is at the bottom of typical maps).
DOWN, adverb. (Ireland) Away from the city (even if the location is to the North).
DOWN, adverb. Into a state of non-operation.
DOWN, adverb. To a subordinate or less prestigious position or rank.
DOWN, adverb. (rail transport) The direction leading away from the principal terminus, away from milepost zero.
DOWN, adverb. (sentence substitute) (imperative) Get down.
DOWN, adverb. (UK) (academia) Away from Oxford or Cambridge.
DOWN, adverb. From a remoter or higher antiquity.
DOWN, adverb. From a greater to a less bulk, or from a thinner to a thicker consistence.
DOWN, adverb. From less to greater detail.
DOWN, adverb. (intensifier) Used with verbs to add emphasis to the action of the verb.
DOWN, adverb. Used with verbs to indicate that the action of the verb was carried to some state of completion, rather than being of indefinite duration.
DOWN, adverb. (in crosswords) An answer which reads vertically.
DOWN, preposition. From the higher end to the lower of.
DOWN, preposition. From one end to another of.
DOWN, adjective. Depressed, feeling low.
DOWN, adjective. On a lower level than before.
DOWN, adjective. Having a lower score than an opponent.
DOWN, adjective. (baseball) (colloquial) (following the noun modified) Out.
DOWN, adjective. (colloquial) With "on", negative about, hostile to
DOWN, adjective. (not comparable) (US) (slang) Comfortable with, accepting of.
DOWN, adjective. (not comparable) Inoperable; out of order; out of service.
DOWN, adjective. Finished (of a task); defeated or dealt with (of an opponent or obstacle); elapsed (of time). Often coupled with to go (remaining).
DOWN, adjective. (not comparable) (military) (police) (slang) (of a person) Wounded and unable to move normally; killed.
DOWN, adjective. (not comparable) (military) (aviation) (slang) (of an aircraft) Mechanically failed, collided, shot down, or otherwise suddenly unable to fly.
DOWN, adjective. Thoroughly practiced, learned or memorised; mastered. (Compare down pat.)
DOWN, adjective. (obsolete) Downright; absolute; positive.
DOWN, verb. (transitive) To drink or swallow, especially without stopping before the vessel containing the liquid is empty.
DOWN, verb. (transitive) To cause to come down; to knock down or subdue.
DOWN, verb. (transitive) (pocket billiards) To put a ball in a pocket; to pot a ball.
DOWN, verb. (transitive) (American football) To bring a play to an end by touching the ball to the ground or while it is on the ground.
DOWN, verb. (transitive) To write off; to make fun of.
DOWN, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) To go down; to descend.
DOWN, noun. A negative aspect; a downer.
DOWN, noun. (dated) A grudge (on someone).
DOWN, noun. An act of swallowing an entire drink at once.
DOWN, noun. (American football) A single play, from the time the ball is snapped (the start) to the time the whistle is blown (the end) when the ball is down, or is downed.
DOWN, noun. (crosswords) A clue whose solution runs vertically in the grid.
DOWN, noun. A downstairs room of a two-story house.
DOWN, noun. Down payment.
DOWN, noun. Soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds. Used as insulating material in duvets, sleeping bags and jackets.
DOWN, noun. (botany) The pubescence of plants; the hairy crown or envelope of the seeds of certain plants, such as the thistle.
DOWN, noun. The soft hair of the face when beginning to appear.
DOWN, noun. That which is made of down, as a bed or pillow; that which affords ease and repose, like a bed of down.
DOWN, verb. (transitive) To cover, ornament, line, or stuff with down.
DOWN, proper noun. One of the counties of Northern Ireland
DOWN AND DIRTY, adjective. (informal) Thoroughly involved; hands-on.
DOWN AND OUT, adjective. (idiomatic) In a condition of poverty or debility, especially as a result of experiencing a financial or personal setback.
DOWN ANTIQUARK, noun. (particle) the antiparticle of a down quark
DOWN ANTIQUARKS, noun. Plural of down antiquark
DOWN AT HEEL, adjective. (literally of footwear) (hyphenated when used attributively) In poor condition, especially due to having worn heels; worn-out, shabby.
DOWN AT HEEL, adjective. (idiomatic) (by extension) (hyphenated when used attributively) Shabbily dressed, slovenly; impoverished.
DOWN AT THE HEEL, adjective. Alternative form of down at heel
DOWN AT THE HEELS, adjective. Alternative form of down at heel
DOWN BELOW, noun. (slang) (euphemistic) The vulva.
DOWN BOW, noun. (music) movement from the frog to the tip on the bow of a stringed instrument
DOWN BOWS, noun. Plural of down bow
DOWN BUBBLE, adjective. (nautical) having a downward trim (of a submarine); usually follows the number of degrees
DOWN CELLAR, adverb. (idiom) Downstairs; the opposite of upstairs.
DOWN DOG, noun. Downward-facing dog
DOWN FOR THE COUNT, adjective. (idiomatic) Decisively beaten; defeated; rendered irrelevant for the long term.
DOWN IN THE DUMPS, adjective. (idiomatic) Sad; lacking engagement or enthusiasm.
DOWN IN THE HEEL, adjective. Alternative form of down at heel
DOWN IN THE HEELS, adjective. Alternative form of down at heel
DOWN IN THE MOUTH, adjective. (idiomatic) Sad or discouraged, especially as indicated by one's facial appearance.
DOWN LINE, noun. A railway line on which trains travel away from a major terminus.
DOWN LOW, noun. Secrecy
DOWN LOW, noun. (sexuality) the state of being a man who secretly sleeps with people other than his partner
DOWN LOW, noun. (sexuality) the state of being a man who secretly sleeps with other men
DOWN ON ONE'S LUCK, adjective. (idiomatic) Unlucky or undergoing a period of bad luck, especially with respect to financial matters.
DOWN ON ONE'S UPPERS, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) impecunious, lacking money
DOWN PAT, adjective. (idiomatic) Thoroughly practiced, rehearsed, or understood; mastered.
DOWN PAYMENT, noun. (legal) A payment representing a fraction of the price of something being purchased, made to secure the right to continue making payments towards that purchase.
DOWN PAYMENT, noun. By extension, any initial commitment signifying an intention to carry out a larger future commitment, even though no legal rights or obligations are secured.
DOWN PAYMENTS, noun. Plural of down payment
DOWN QUARK, noun. A quark having a fractional electric charge of -1/3 and a mass about 4 to 8 MeV. Symbol: d
DOWN QUARKS, noun. Plural of down quark
DOWN SOUTH, adverb. In the southern part of an area, country etc.
DOWN START, noun. (sports) (longtrack speedskating) a starting position in longtrack speedskating, whereby the speedskater adopts tripod position with the ice surface, with one hand down, and both skates.
DOWN STYLE, adjective. Alternative spelling of downstyle
DOWN STYLE, noun. Alternative spelling of downstyle
DOWN SYNDROME, noun. (chiefly US) Condition caused by a chromosomal excess, whereby the patients bear a certain resemblance to the Mongoloid race, such as a small head and tilted eyelids, and typically have a delay in cognitive ability and physical growth.
DOWN TACK, noun. (phonetics) The IPA diacritic of primary articulation: < ˕ >, used to denote a lowered phone; for vowels, the diacritic denotes a slightly more open utterance; for consonants, it moves the point of articulation one step forward in this chain: nasal → plosive → fricative → approximant → trill → tap, flap → lateral fricative → lateral approximant → lateral flap.
DOWN THE BANKS, noun. (slang) (dated) (Irish) (Liverpool) a severe criticism, scolding, reprimand, or punishment
DOWN THE BANKS, prepositional phrase. (slang) (obsolete) (New York) in prison
DOWN THE DRAIN, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Wasted, squandered; irretrievable.
DOWN THE GURGLER, prepositional phrase. (AU) (informal) Synonym of down the drain.
DOWN THE HATCH, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Into the mouth and down the throat, especially with regard to the consumption of a beverage.
DOWN THE LINE, adverb. (idiomatic) Further along, in terms of time or progress.
DOWN THE ROAD, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Further along, in terms of time or progress.
DOWN THE ROAD, NOT ACROSS THE STREET, adverb. (idiomatic) (of the technique for committing suicide) Along the radial artery rather than across the wrist from side to side.
DOWN THE TRACK, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Further along, in terms of time or progress.
DOWN THE TUBE, adverb. Alternative form of down the tubes
DOWN THE TUBES, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Into a state of collapse or failure.
DOWN THE WIND, prepositional phrase. In the direction of, and moving with, the wind.
DOWN THE WIND, prepositional phrase. (obsolete) Decaying; declining.
DOWN TIME, noun. Alternative spelling of downtime
DOWN TO, preposition. Ready for
DOWN TO, preposition. With no one/nothing remaining but
DOWN TO, preposition. Due to.
DOWN TO A FINE ART, adjective. (idiomatic) Having or showing exceptional proficiency
DOWN TO A SCIENCE, adjective. Perfected; practiced ease and confidence.
DOWN TO A T, adverb. Alternative form of to a T
DOWN TO THE SHORT STROKES, adjective. (idiomatic) In the final steps or decisive phase of an undertaking, especially one which has been lengthy or laborious.
DOWN TO THE SHORT STROKES, adverb. (idiomatic) To the final steps or decisive phase of an undertaking, especially one which has been lengthy or laborious.
DOWN TO THE WIRE, adjective. (idiomatic) At the very end of a process or project, especially one with a fast-approaching deadline.
DOWN TO THE WIRE, adverb. (idiomatic) At the very end of a process or project, especially one with a fast-approaching deadline.
DOWN TUBE, noun. A vertical tube making up part of a bicycle frame.
DOWN TUBES, noun. Plural of down tube
DOWN UNDER, adjective. (idiomatic) In Australia.
DOWN UNDER, adverb. (idiomatic) Into Australia, to Australia.
DOWN WITH, interjection. Away with!, cease!
DOWN WITH, interjection. Expressing disapproval of or encouraging actions against a person, organization, practice, belief, etc., typically in a public protest.
DOWN WITH HIS APPLE-CART, interjection. (idiomatic) (1811) knock or throw him down.
Dictionary definition
DOWN, noun. Soft fine feathers.
DOWN, noun. (American football) a complete play to advance the football; "you have four downs to gain ten yards".
DOWN, noun. English physician who first described Down's syndrome (1828-1896).
DOWN, noun. (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil.
DOWN, noun. Fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs).
DOWN, verb. Drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work".
DOWN, verb. Eat immoderately; "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal".
DOWN, verb. Bring down or defeat (an opponent).
DOWN, verb. Shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft".
DOWN, verb. Cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet".
DOWN, verb. Improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing".
DOWN, adverb. Spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position; "don't fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward".
DOWN, adverb. Away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida".
DOWN, adverb. Paid in cash at time of purchase; "put ten dollars down on the necklace".
DOWN, adverb. From an earlier time; "the story was passed down from father to son".
DOWN, adverb. To a lower intensity; "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black".
DOWN, adverb. In an inactive or inoperative state; "the factory went down during the strike"; "the computer went down again".
DOWN, adjective. Being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today".
DOWN, adjective. Extending or moving from a higher to a lower place; "the down staircase"; "the downward course of the stream".
DOWN, adjective. Becoming progressively lower; "the down trend in the real estate market".
DOWN, adjective. Being put out by a strikeout; "two down in the bottom of the ninth".
DOWN, adjective. Understood perfectly; "had his algebra problems down".
DOWN, adjective. Lower than previously; "the market is depressed"; "prices are down".
DOWN, adjective. Shut; "the shades were down".
DOWN, adjective. Not functioning (temporarily or permanently); "we can't work because the computer is down".
DOWN, adjective. Filled with melancholy and despondency ; "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted".
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