Associations to the word «Chase»

Pictures for the word «Chase»


CHASE, noun. The act of one who chases another; a pursuit.
CHASE, noun. A hunt.
CHASE, noun. (uncountable) A children's game where one player chases another.
CHASE, noun. (British) A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted.
CHASE, noun. Anything being chased, especially a vessel in time of war.
CHASE, noun. (nautical) Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern; either a bow chase or stern chase.
CHASE, noun. (real tennis) The occurrence of a second bounce by the ball in certain areas of the court, giving the server the chance, later in the game, to "play off" the chase from the receiving end and possibly win the point.
CHASE, noun. (real tennis) A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive the ball in order to gain a point.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) To pursue, to follow at speed.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) To hunt.
CHASE, verb. (intransitive) To give chase; to hunt.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) (nautical) To pursue a vessel in order to destroy, capture or interrogate her.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) To dilute alcohol.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) (cricket) To attempt to win by scoring the required number of runs in the final innings.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) (baseball) To swing at a pitch outside of the strike zone, typically an outside pitch
CHASE, verb. (transitive) (baseball) To produce enough offense to cause the pitcher to be removed
CHASE, noun. (printing) A rectangular steel or iron frame into which pages or columns of type are locked for printing or plate making.
CHASE, noun. A groove cut in an object; a slot: the chase for the quarrel on a crossbow.
CHASE, noun. (architecture) A trench or channel for drainpipes or wiring; a hollow space in the wall of a building containing ventilation ducts, chimney flues, wires, cables or plumbing.
CHASE, noun. The part of a gun in front of the trunnions.
CHASE, noun. The cavity of a mold.
CHASE, noun. (shipbuilding) A kind of joint by which an overlap joint is changed to a flush joint by means of a gradually deepening rabbet, as at the ends of clinker-built boats.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) To groove; indent.
CHASE, verb. (transitive) To cut (the thread of a screw).
CHASE, verb. (transitive) To decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing.
CHASE, proper noun. A botanical plant name author abbreviation for botanist Mary Agnes Chase (1869-1963).
CHASE, proper noun. A surname​ from a nickname for a hunter.
CHASE, proper noun. A male given name of modern usage, transferred from the surname.
CHASE, proper noun. A CDP in Alaska
CHASE, proper noun. A village and a river in British Columbia, Canada
CHASE, proper noun. A city in Kansas
CHASE, proper noun. A CDP in Pennsylvania
CHASE, proper noun. A town in Wisconsin
CHASE A RAINBOW, verb. (idiomatic) To pursue something illusory, impractical, or impossible.
CHASE AFTER, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see chase,‎ after.
CHASE AFTER, verb. (idiomatic) To pursue someone with romantic intentions; to woo.
CHASE DOWN, verb. To pursue and apprehend someone or something.
CHASE DOWN, verb. (by extension) to investigate the cause of something
CHASE GUN, noun. (nautical) A gun moved temporarily from its normal broadside position to fire through the chase ports in the bow or stern of a ship.
CHASE GUNS, noun. Plural of chase gun
CHASE OFF, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) to make someone or something go away
CHASE ONE'S OWN TAIL, verb. Alternative form of chase one's tail
CHASE ONE'S TAIL, verb. (idiomatic) To busily try to perform many tasks or to repeatedly revise one's plans, especially with inefficient use of one's time and limited results.
CHASE PLANE, noun. An aircraft that flies alongside another, to advise or photograph it while experimental flights are being carried out.
CHASE PORT, noun. (nautical) a hole cut in the bow of a ship through which a chase gun could fire directly ahead
CHASE RAINBOWS, verb. (idiomatic) To pursue unrealistic or fanciful goals.
CHASE TAIL, verb. (idiomatic) (slang) (somewhat vulgar) To be on hunt for a (mostly sexual) partner.
CHASE THE DRAGON, verb. (slang) To inhale the vapour from heated morphine, heroin, oxycodone or opium that has been placed on a piece of foil.
CHASE UP, verb. (British) (NZ) follow up

Dictionary definition

CHASE, noun. The act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture; "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit".
CHASE, noun. United States politician and jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1808-1873).
CHASE, noun. A rectangular metal frame used in letterpress printing to hold together the pages or columns of composed type that are printed at one time.
CHASE, verb. Go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit".
CHASE, verb. Pursue someone sexually or romantically.
CHASE, verb. Cut a groove into; "chase silver".
CHASE, verb. Cut a furrow into a columns.

Wise words

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.
Oliver Wendell Holmes