Associations to the word «Bethesda»
- Md
- Fallout
- Maryland
- Pike
- Pharmacist
- Georgetown
- Naval
- Scroll
- Fishery
- Fax
- Marriott
- Boulevard
- Psychologist
- Whitman
- Arlington
- Gov
- Bangor
- Ave
- Autopsy
- Suite
- Biotechnology
- Oblivion
- Montgomery
- Institute
- Orphanage
- Potomac
- Bethel
- Allergy
- Cen
- Ste
- Diabetes
- Health
- Chase
- Kidney
- Expo
- Presbyterian
- Nw
- Parkland
- Hines
- Pap
- Hospital
- Pool
- Genetics
- Alcoholism
- Medicine
- National
- Arthritis
- Usa
- Symposium
- Kensington
- Quarry
- Center
- Walt
- Neurology
- Darby
- Adler
- Reed
- Outpatient
- Sensing
- Mather
- Drive
- Avenue
- Quake
- Ito
- Box
- Fountain
- Slate
- Elder
- Terrace
- Nc
- Genetic
- Ter
- Chapel
- Injunction
- Forester
- Claremont
- Rn
- Lung
BETHESDA, proper noun. (biblical) A pool in Jerusalem mentioned in the New Testament.
BETHESDA, noun. (poetic) Any location whose waters are supposed to have curative properties.
Wise words
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings