Associations to the word «Sprint»
- Breakaway
- Canoeing
- Finish
- Metre
- Lap
- Teammate
- Medalist
- Rider
- Medal
- Climb
- Canoe
- Marathon
- Second
- Meter
- Speedway
- Car
- Raceway
- Victory
- Sprinter
- Bronze
- Stage
- Discipline
- Sideline
- Furlong
- Breeder
- Win
- Cycling
- Cavendish
- Freestyle
- Relay
- Racing
- Hurdle
- Busch
- Podium
- Paralympic
- Pumping
- Hallway
- Scrambling
- Showdown
- Athlete
- Filly
- Finisher
- Championship
- Alfa
- Cyclist
- Slalom
- Swimmer
- Regatta
- Handicap
- Cup
- Camping
- Chevrolet
- Barricade
- Corridor
- Hermione
- Jeep
- Dived
- Alley
- Whirl
- Olympics
- Canister
- Medallist
- Rayford
- Stair
- Farrar
- Fireman
- Skating
- Driveway
- Wag
- Race
SPRINT, noun. A short race at top speed
SPRINT, noun. A burst of speed or activity
SPRINT, noun. In Agile software development, a period of development of a fixed time that is preceded and followed by meetings.
SPRINT, verb. (ambitransitive) To run, cycle, etc. at top speed for a short period
Dictionary definition
SPRINT, noun. A quick run.
SPRINT, verb. Run very fast, usually for a short distance.
Wise words
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed
in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy,