Associations to the word «Nationwide»
- Pbs
- Poll
- Subscriber
- Outlet
- Retailer
- Disobedience
- Provider
- Bookstore
- Cable
- Network
- Broadcast
- Supermarket
- Pharmacy
- Enforcement
- Distributor
- Voter
- Columbus
- Pga
- Banking
- Initiative
- Survey
- Broadcasting
- Organization
- Program
- Satellite
- Weekend
- Activist
- Applicant
- Screening
- Consumer
- Rating
- Prevention
- Sat
- Republican
- Advertising
- Audience
- Manila
- Literacy
- Busch
- Admission
- Reform
- Reporting
- Channel
- Golfer
- Polling
- Campus
- Camping
- Tour
- Consolidation
- Syndication
- Sprint
- Speedway
- Gross
- Boycott
- Newsweek
- Theater
- Landslide
- Commune
- Chatham
- Telecast
- Raceway
- Hodges
- Coverage
- Airplay
- Macy
- Simulcast
- Graduate
- Referendum
- Chevrolet
- Cinema
NATIONWIDE, adjective. Extending throughout an entire nation.
NATIONWIDE, adverb. Throughout a nation.
Dictionary definition
NATIONWIDE, adverb. Extending throughout an entire nation; "nationally advertised"; "it was broadcast nationwide".
NATIONWIDE, adjective. Occurring or extending throughout a country or nation; "the event aroused nationwide interest"; "a countrywide fund-raising campaign".
Wise words
Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.