Associations to the word «Cinema»
- Malayalam
- Filmmaking
- Cine
- Kannada
- Filmmaker
- Hindi
- Screening
- Blockbuster
- Deco
- Cinematography
- Projector
- Wanda
- Cinematographer
- Lm
- Documentary
- Melodrama
- Cannes
- Film
- Theater
- Hollywood
- Screen
- Movie
- Theatre
- Distributor
- Zee
- Playback
- Mall
- Realism
- Screenwriter
- Festival
- Auditorium
- Insomnia
- Supermarket
- Reel
- Chaplin
- Welles
- Bergman
- Premiere
- Showcase
- Tamil
- Censorship
- Genre
- Editing
- Scala
- Café
- Digital
- Aesthetics
- Shopping
- Rink
- Hitchcock
- Viva
- Genie
- Repertory
- Nostalgia
- Subtitle
- Orson
- Projection
- Foyer
- Plaza
- Audience
- Babu
- Seating
- Woo
- Screenplay
- Exploitation
- Torino
- Kamal
- Kapoor
- Classic
- Centenary
Pictures for the word «Cinema»
CINEMA, noun. (countable) A film.
CINEMA, noun. (countable) A movie theatre, a movie house
CINEMA, noun. (film) (uncountable) Film or movies as a group.
CINEMA, noun. (film) (uncountable) The film and movie industry.
CINEMA, noun. (film) (uncountable) The art of making films and movies.
CINEMA VERITE, noun. Anglicised spelling of cinéma vérité.
CINÉMA VÉRITÉ, noun. (cinema) A style of cinema that appears to be realistic, showing ordinary people in ordinary situations speaking and acting naturally.
Dictionary definition
CINEMA, noun. A medium that disseminates moving pictures; "theater pieces transferred to celluloid"; "this story would be good cinema"; "film coverage of sporting events".
CINEMA, noun. A theater where films are shown.
Wise words
The short words are best, and the old words are the best of