Associations to the word «Cinematic»
- Marvel
- Storytelling
- Filmmaking
- Universe
- Lm
- Filmmaker
- Continuity
- Cinema
- Avenger
- Realism
- Melodrama
- Hitchcock
- Portrayal
- Cinematography
- Ebert
- Masterpiece
- Welles
- Depiction
- Adaptation
- Epic
- Bergman
- Trailer
- Narrative
- Flair
- Transformer
- Akira
- Cinematographer
- Imagery
- Visual
- Blockbuster
- Franchise
- Genre
- Hodgson
- Film
- Frankenstein
- Excellence
- Equivalent
- Editing
- Hollywood
- Praising
- Ign
- Ninja
- Movie
- Footage
- Superhero
- Backdrop
- Sensibility
- Porn
- Thor
- Documentary
- Chaplin
- Narration
- Camera
- Flashback
- Rendition
- Installment
- Reviewer
- Thriller
- Technique
- Flick
- Collage
- Screenplay
- Animation
- Achievement
- Woo
- Intro
- Graphic
- Lighting
- Orchestra
- Trilogy
- Psyche
CINEMATIC, adjective. Of or relating to the cinema.
CINEMATIC, adjective. (dated) Relating to kinematics; kinematic.
Dictionary definition
CINEMATIC, adjective. Of or pertaining to or characteristic of the cinema.
Wise words
Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.