Associations to the word «Directorial»
- Debut
- Cinematographer
- Thriller
- Guild
- Venture
- Starring
- Screenplay
- Kapoor
- Malayalam
- Cannes
- Achievement
- Blockbuster
- Screenwriter
- Kannada
- Eastwood
- Comedy
- Emmy
- Film
- Melodrama
- Filmmaking
- Shankar
- Drama
- Jai
- Dil
- Cinematography
- Outing
- Hitchcock
- Filmmaker
- Prakash
- Script
- Menon
- Remake
- Horror
- Kumar
- Feature
- Documentary
- Director
- Ravi
- Acclaim
- Kamal
- Hindi
- Welles
- Kaufman
- Wilder
- Woo
- Bala
- Babu
- Ebert
- Cinema
- Sharma
- Anand
- Credit
- Movie
- Marking
- Whitaker
- Serial
- Glover
- Mani
- Filming
- Bose
- Adaptation
- Festival
- Choreographer
- Nomination
- Animator
- Raja
- Showtime
- Siva
- Flair
- Effort
- Raj
DIRECTORIAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to a director
DIRECTORIAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to administration or to a directorate
Wise words
There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind
must lie.