Associations to the word «Televise»
- Telecast
- Pageant
- Tnt
- Showtime
- Debate
- Pbs
- Abc
- Dart
- Broadcast
- Preseason
- Simulcast
- Broadcaster
- Cbc
- Blackout
- Audition
- Coverage
- Airing
- Bout
- Quiz
- Announcer
- Gala
- Snooker
- Thanksgiving
- Kickoff
- Bbc
- Hearing
- Poker
- Eurovision
- Superstar
- Ceremony
- Rematch
- Fox
- Raw
- Viewer
- Nixon
- Boxing
- Network
- Commentator
- Sport
- Contest
- Concert
- Game
- Gil
- Broadcasting
- Nfl
- Finale
- Replay
- Wrestling
- Monday
- Vegas
- Heron
- Match
- Television
- Syndication
- Letterman
- Bravo
- Philharmonic
- Lottery
- Reagan
- Nba
- Tv
- Prom
- Hd
- Dodger
- Bowl
- Orton
- Address
- Cable
- Special
- Mtv
- Channel
- Semifinal
- Thursday
- Saturday
- Afl
- Tournament
- Interview
- Laker
- Event
TELEVISE, verb. To broadcast, or be broadcast, by television
Dictionary definition
TELEVISE, verb. Broadcast via television; "The Royal wedding was televised".
Wise words
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed
in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy,