Associations to the word «Manila»
- Luzon
- Cebu
- Metro
- Philippines
- Folder
- Filipinos
- Philippine
- Tomas
- Mindanao
- Laguna
- Hemp
- Dewey
- Envelope
- Leyte
- Santo
- Andres
- Marcos
- Batavia
- Ng
- Archdiocese
- Fray
- Jakarta
- Bangkok
- Peso
- Spaniard
- Macarthur
- Abs
- Naga
- Taft
- Loyola
- Salazar
- Ramon
- Frazier
- Santos
- Rotary
- Coliseum
- Saigon
- Merritt
- Sm
- Mesa
- Jaime
- Ninety
- Archbishop
- Typhoon
- Sulu
- Bulletin
- Brunei
- Arroyo
- Rajah
- Lim
- Auditor
- Rosario
- Rp
- Bay
- Miguel
- Expressway
- Kuala
- Olympiad
- Mckinley
- Honolulu
- Cruz
- Ruiz
- Briefcase
- Penang
- Emilio
- Taipei
- Yokohama
- Juan
- Santiago
- Barrio
- Thoroughfare
- Okinawa
- Domingo
- Anvil
- Spanish
- Rosary
- Borneo
- Dominican
- Transit
- Nagasaki
- Councilor
- Jose
- Macau
- Shanghai
- Internment
- Sta
- Archipelago
- Plaza
- Mariano
MANILA, proper noun. The capital of the Philippines, located on the island of Luzon.
MANILA, adjective. Of or pertaining to Manila or Manilla, the capital of the Philippines; made in, or exported from, that city.
MANILA, adjective. Made of manila paper or material like it.
MANILA, adjective. Yellow-brown; colored like manila paper.
MANILA, noun. Fiber made from abaca (Manila hemp), used to make ropes and manila paper.
MANILA, noun. The yellow-brown colour of manila.
MANILA HEMP, noun. The fibre of the abaca.
MANILA ROPE, noun. Rope made from fibres of Manila hemp
Dictionary definition
MANILA, noun. A strong paper or thin cardboard with a smooth light brown finish made from e.g. Manila hemp.
MANILA, noun. The capital and largest city of the Philippines; located on southern Luzon.
Wise words
Actions speak louder than words.