Associations to the word «Jakarta»
- Batavia
- Indonesia
- Bali
- Subdistrict
- Kuala
- Sulawesi
- Bangkok
- Sumatra
- Java
- Javanese
- Timor
- Embassy
- Marriott
- Regency
- Badminton
- Hanoi
- Penang
- Brunei
- Singapore
- Taipei
- Indies
- Rp
- Manila
- Bantam
- Southeast
- Commuter
- Banda
- Toll
- Seoul
- Malacca
- Pk
- Islamabad
- Saigon
- Malaysia
- Papua
- Consulate
- Casablanca
- Dhaka
- Guangzhou
- Shanghai
- Dubai
- Perth
- Airbus
- Chinatown
- Globe
- Beijing
- Nickelodeon
- Apache
- Bombing
- Dutch
- Expo
- Dhabi
- Kali
- Boeing
- Ui
- Islamic
- Mall
- Sultanate
- Malay
- Karachi
- Asia
- Central
- Tokyo
- Solo
- Mosque
- Cyclone
- Biennale
- Riot
- Thailand
- Capital
- Borneo
- Malaya
- Xxi
- Rai
- Colombo
- Laos
- Amman
- Congestion
- Looting
- Johannesburg
- Correspondent
- Mini
- Calcutta
- Tempo
JAKARTA, proper noun. The capital city of Indonesia.
JAKARTA RAYA, proper noun. A province of Indonesia, consisting of Jakarta proper, Thousand Islands, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi
Dictionary definition
JAKARTA, noun. Capital and largest city of Indonesia; located on the island of Java; founded by the Dutch in 17th century.
Wise words
Where words fail, music speaks.