Associations to the word «Mckinley»
- Hanna
- Glee
- Niles
- Tariff
- Roosevelt
- Taft
- Theodore
- Bryan
- Grover
- Garfield
- Filipinos
- Luzon
- Assassination
- Anarchist
- Garret
- Blaine
- Canton
- Jennings
- Woodrow
- Hearst
- Hobart
- William
- Populist
- Exposition
- Everett
- Ida
- Hay
- Sylvester
- President
- Everest
- Inauguration
- Annexation
- Republican
- Becky
- Waters
- Marley
- Sue
- Presidency
- Leon
- Alaska
- Mount
- Dewey
- Puck
- Dorsey
- Postmaster
- Sherman
- Junk
- Platt
- Mckenna
- Ohio
- Buffalo
- Hayes
- Imperialism
- Cuba
- Philippine
- Birthplace
- Polk
- Kurt
- Manila
- Ascent
- Honolulu
- Santana
- Harrison
- Cleveland
- Spanish
- Tobin
- Leech
- Lynch
- Harding
- Newell
- Lima
- Burnett
- Cuban
- Philippines
- Finn
- Gould
- Glenn
- Navajo
- Robin
- Mckenzie
- Bree
- Proclamation
- Shelby
- Industrialist
- Macbeth
- Rory
- Parkway
- Dalton
- Landslide
Dictionary definition
MCKINLEY, noun. 25th President of the United States; was assassinated by an anarchist (1843-1901).
MCKINLEY, noun. A mountain in south central Alaska; the highest peak in North America (20,300 feet high).
Wise words
When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it
is unspoken you reign over it.