Associations to the word «Polk»
- Bragg
- Zachary
- Annexation
- County
- Whig
- Benton
- Reporting
- Highlands
- Knox
- Barron
- Louisiana
- Mecklenburg
- Pulitzer
- Parkway
- Salad
- Haines
- Hardin
- Iowa
- Buchanan
- Seminole
- Readiness
- Oregon
- Tennessee
- Pierce
- Florida
- Willis
- Marion
- Mexican
- Weeks
- Macarthur
- Journalism
- Township
- Tyler
- Burnett
- Jasper
- Fort
- Courthouse
- Monroe
- Arkansas
- Angelina
- Rutherford
- Mckinley
- Johnston
- Cherokee
- Shelby
- Wisconsin
- Chattanooga
- Minnesota
- Tariff
- Livingston
- Peabody
- Glade
- Columbus
- Calhoun
- Presidency
- Dallas
- Texas
- Davis
- Clay
- Garfield
- Pleasant
- Dentist
- Mulberry
- Marietta
- Democrat
- Planter
- Meade
- Salem
- Macon
- Missouri
- Southerner
- Grande
- Fantasy
- Annie
- Vernon
- Monmouth
- Compromise
- Tampa
- Dupont
- Subordinate
- Carolina
- Nebraska
- Bingham
- Jefferson
- Mississippi
- George
POLK, proper noun. A surname.
POLK, verb. (obsolete) (slang) To dance the polka.
Dictionary definition
POLK, noun. 11th President of the United States; his expansionism led to the Mexican War and the annexation of California and much of the southwest (1795-1849).
Wise words
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.