Associations to the word «Fantasy»

Pictures for the word «Fantasy»


FANTASY, noun. That which comes from one's imagination.
FANTASY, noun. (literature) The literary genre generally dealing with themes of magic and fictive medieval technology.
FANTASY, noun. A fantastical design.
FANTASY, noun. (slang) The drug gamma-hydroxybutyric acid.
FANTASY, verb. (literary) (psychoanalysis) To fantasize (about).
FANTASY, verb. (obsolete) To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like.
FANTASY BASEBALL, noun. A competition in which participants select combinations of baseball players in a real league and score points according to their performance.
FANTASY COLLAPSE, noun. The point at which the assumed truths of an artificial or imagined reality are eroded to reveal actual reality.
FANTASY FOOTBALL, noun. A competition in which participants select combinations of football players in a real league and score points according to their performance.
FANTASY LAND, noun. An ideal place that does not exist in reality.
FANTASY LANDS, noun. Plural of fantasy land
FANTASY OF MANNERS, noun. A literary work in a fantasy genre that is also a comedy of manners.
FANTASY SPORTS, noun. A competition in which participants select combinations of players in a league and score points according to their performance.

Dictionary definition

FANTASY, noun. Imagination unrestricted by reality; "a schoolgirl fantasy".
FANTASY, noun. Fiction with a large amount of imagination in it; "she made a lot of money writing romantic fantasies".
FANTASY, noun. Something many people believe that is false; "they have the illusion that I am very wealthy".
FANTASY, verb. Indulge in fantasies; "he is fantasizing when he says he plans to start his own company".

Wise words

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery