Associations to the word «Nonfiction»
- Bestseller
- Prose
- Fiction
- Pulitzer
- Filmmaking
- Nationality
- Seller
- Lambda
- Finalist
- Memoir
- Genre
- Poetry
- Emmy
- Hilary
- Journalism
- Essay
- Bookseller
- Anthology
- Yorker
- Novel
- Novelist
- Book
- Essayist
- Weston
- Farrar
- Overview
- Writer
- Author
- Autobiography
- Cinematography
- Whiting
- Guggenheim
- Lesbian
- Prize
- Writing
- Documentary
- Bram
- Hemingway
- Storytelling
- Paperback
- Fantasy
- Award
- Editing
- Recount
- Wolfe
- Twentieth
- Imprint
- Literature
- Publisher
- Reader
- Pen
- Programming
- Excellence
- Digest
- Novella
- Narrative
- Publishing
- Pedagogy
- Category
- Verne
- Screenplay
- Tinker
- Magazine
- Romanticism
- Weekly
- Fellowship
- Slayer
- Esquire
- Work
- Paleontology
- Journalist
NONFICTION, noun. Written works intended to give facts, or true accounts of real things and events. Often used attributively.
Dictionary definition
NONFICTION, noun. Prose writing that is not fictional.
Wise words
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