Associations to the word «Apocalyptic»


APOCALYPTIC, adjective. Of or relating to an apocalypse:
APOCALYPTIC, adjective. Of or relating to an apocalypse (a revelation), revelatory; prophetic.
APOCALYPTIC, adjective. Of or relating to an apocalypse (a disaster).
APOCALYPTIC, adjective. Portending a future apocalypse (disaster, devastation, or doom).
APOCALYPTIC, adjective. (nonstandard) Eggcorn of apoplectic.
APOCALYPTIC, noun. One who predicts apocalypse.

Dictionary definition

APOCALYPTIC, adjective. Prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom.
APOCALYPTIC, adjective. Of or relating to an apocalypse.

Wise words

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.
Edgar Allan Poe