Associations to the word «Catastrophic»
- Flooding
- Wildfire
- Failure
- Eruption
- Flood
- Tsunami
- Extinction
- Warming
- Medicare
- Levee
- Katrina
- Earthquake
- Collapse
- Landslide
- Malfunction
- Rupture
- Explosion
- Famine
- Deluge
- Disruption
- Drought
- Disaster
- Damage
- Consequence
- Upheaval
- Collision
- Hurricane
- Debris
- Scenario
- Landfall
- Spill
- Fatality
- Outburst
- Erosion
- Gearbox
- Worldview
- Containment
- Surge
- Volcano
- Methane
- Defeat
- Catastrophe
- Comet
- Avalanche
- Destruction
- Greenhouse
- Crash
- Loss
- Impact
- Leak
- Degradation
- Risk
- Incidence
- Injury
- Corrosion
- Breakup
- Haiti
- Expenditure
- Event
- Depletion
- Supernova
- Likelihood
- Emergency
- Fracture
- Decline
- Ecosystem
- Dam
- Ignition
- Accident
- Billion
CATASTROPHIC, adjective. Of or pertaining to a catastrophe.
CATASTROPHIC, adjective. Disastrous; ruinous.
CATASTROPHIC KILL, noun. (military) (slang) An instance of damaging a vehicle by weaponry that renders it both unusable and unrepairable.
CATASTROPHIC KILLS, noun. Plural of catastrophic kill
Dictionary definition
CATASTROPHIC, adjective. Extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin; "a catastrophic depression"; "catastrophic illness"; "a ruinous course of action".
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.