Associations to the word «Devastate»
- Tsunami
- Earthquake
- Katrina
- Epidemic
- Smallpox
- Flood
- Tornado
- Famine
- Hurricane
- Wildfire
- Plague
- Drought
- Cyclone
- Quake
- Typhoon
- Blight
- Cholera
- Deluge
- Flooding
- Eruption
- Galveston
- Firepower
- Haiti
- Raid
- Barrage
- Rebuilding
- Incursion
- Setback
- Mongol
- Levee
- Landslide
- Volley
- Countryside
- Deforestation
- Counterattack
- Locust
- Disaster
- Surge
- Devastation
- Influenza
- Scourge
- Malaria
- Blow
- Outbreak
- Nagasaki
- Landfall
- Upheaval
- Hiroshima
- Catastrophe
- Bombing
- Horde
- Onslaught
- Fallout
- Impact
- Explosion
- Betrayal
- Vandal
- Looting
- Bombardment
- Thrace
- Consequence
- Effect
- Calamity
- Fatality
- Aftermath
- Overrun
- Hun
- Dies
- Damage
- Destruction
- Invasion
- Ottoman
- Vineyard
- Loss
- Fire
DEVASTATE, verb. To ruin many or all things over a large area, such as most or all buildings of a city, or cities of a region, or trees of a forest.
DEVASTATE, verb. To destroy a whole collection of related ideas, beliefs, and strongly held opinions.
DEVASTATE, verb. To break beyond recovery or repair so that the only options are abandonment or the clearing away of useless remains (if any) and starting over.
Dictionary definition
DEVASTATE, verb. Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly; "The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion".
DEVASTATE, verb. Overwhelm or overpower; "He was devastated by his grief when his son died".
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.