Associations to the word «Mad»


MAD, adjective. Insane; crazy, mentally deranged.
MAD, adjective. (chiefly US; UK dated + regional) Angry, annoyed.
MAD, adjective. Wildly confused or excited.
MAD, adjective. Extremely foolish or unwise; irrational; imprudent.
MAD, adjective. (colloquial) (usually with for or about) Extremely enthusiastic about; crazy about; infatuated with; overcome with desire for.
MAD, adjective. (of animals) Abnormally ferocious or furious; or, rabid, affected with rabies.
MAD, adjective. (slang) (chiefly Northeastern US) Intensifier, signifies an abundance or high quality of a thing; very, much or many.
MAD, adjective. (of a compass needle) Having impaired polarity.
MAD, adverb. (slang) (New England) (New York and UK) (dialect) Intensifier; to a large degree; extremely; exceedingly; very; unbelievably.
MAD, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) To be or become mad. [14th-19th c.]
MAD, verb. (now colloquial US) To madden, to anger, to frustrate. [from 15th c.]
MAD, symbol. Moroccan dirham
MAD, acronym. Mutually assured destruction
MAD, acronym. Magnetic anomaly detector
MAD AS A BOX OF FROGS, adjective. (slang) Completely mad; insane; crazy.
MAD AS A CUT SNAKE, adjective. (Australia) (simile) (colloquial) Very irate, crazy with rage.
MAD AS A CUT SNAKE, adjective. (Australia) (simile) (colloquial) Crazy; eccentric.
MAD AS A FISH, adjective. Demented, crazy
MAD AS A HATTER, adjective. Demented or crazy.
MAD AS A HORNET, adjective. (simile) Extremely angry
MAD AS A MARCH HARE, adjective. (simile) (colloquial) Crazy, demented.
MAD AS A MEAT AXE, adjective. (AU) (simile) (colloquial) Very irate, crazy with rage.
MAD AS HOPS, adjective. (colloquial) Very angry.
MAD COW, noun. (uncountable) (by ellipsis) Mad cow disease; bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
MAD COW, noun. (countable) A cow afflicted with mad cow disease.
MAD COW DISEASE, noun. (colloquial) bovine spongiform encephalopathy
MAD DOG, noun. A rabid dog.
MAD DOG, noun. (figuratively) (by extension) An aggressive and fanatical opponent; an attacker who cannot be reasoned with.
MAD DOGS, noun. Plural of mad dog
MAD DOGS AND ENGLISHMEN, noun. To express that it is very hot weather.
MAD FOR IT, adjective. (UK) Exceedingly eager, or having a keen desire or appetite for something
MAD HATTER, noun. A lunatic, highly eccentric personality or person.
MAD HATTERS, noun. Plural of mad hatter
MAD HONEY, noun. Honey that is toxic or psychoactive due to chemicals in plants or the environment
MAD ITCH, noun. Pseudorabies in cattle
MAD MAN, noun. Alternative spelling of madman
MAD MINUTE, noun. (UK) (military) a test of marksmanship with 15 aimed shots at a 12-inch target at 200 yards within one minute.
MAD MINUTES, noun. Plural of mad minute
MAD MONEY, noun. (idiomatic) A sum of money, often relatively small in amount, kept in reserve to use for impulsive, frivolous purposes.
MAD MONEY, noun. (idiomatic) A sum of money kept in reserve or to insulate oneself financially in the event of the sudden breakdown of a relationship in which one is economically dependent.
MAD SCIENTIST, noun. A stock character in popular fiction; a bumbling scientist working on unlikely ways to save the world, or a villainous one bent on destroying it.
MAD SCIENTISTS, noun. Plural of mad scientist

Dictionary definition

MAD, adjective. Roused to anger; "stayed huffy a good while"- Mark Twain; "she gets mad when you wake her up so early"; "mad at his friend"; "sore over a remark".
MAD, adjective. Affected with madness or insanity; "a man who had gone mad".
MAD, adjective. Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; "a crowd of delirious baseball fans"; "something frantic in their gaiety"; "a mad whirl of pleasure".
MAD, adjective. Very foolish; "harebrained ideas"; "took insane risks behind the wheel"; "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains".

Wise words

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal