Associations to the word «Mod»
- Ern
- Mk
- Quake
- Rocker
- Scooter
- Integer
- Ska
- Punk
- Gamer
- Module
- El
- Apache
- Tracker
- Db
- Warhead
- Modification
- Launcher
- Modulation
- Multiplication
- Tod
- Compare
- Pc
- Modernity
- Server
- Bot
- Mod
- Modernization
- Developer
- Defence
- Digit
- Torpedo
- Procurement
- Multiple
- Shooter
- Amplitude
- Valve
- Battlefield
- Modeling
- Raf
- Sig
- Armament
- Serviceman
- Functionality
- Ontology
- Magnum
- Jam
- Bureaucracy
- Submarine
- Hacker
- Og
- Fascism
- Cen
- Tem
- Oscillator
- Antioch
- Conversion
- Doom
- Fashion
- Fortress
- Upgrade
- Capitalism
- Polynomial
- Graphics
- User
- Con
- Garry
- Residue
- Bandwidth
- Tyre
- Tripoli
- Crusade
- Caliber
- Amiga
- Permutation
- Squad
- Euler
- Python
- Amazon
- Exponent
- Revival
MOD, noun. (uncountable) An unconventionally modern style of fashionable dress originating in England in the 1960s, characterized by ankle-length black trenchcoats and sunglasses.
MOD, noun. (UK) a 1960s British person who dressed in such a style and was interested in modernism and the modern music of the time; the opposite of a rocker.
MOD, noun. (slang) A modification to an object, computer game, etc., typically for the purpose of individualizing and/or enhancing the performance of the object.
MOD, noun. (Internet) A moderator, for example on a discussion forum.
MOD, noun. (computing) (informal) A module (file containing a tracker music sequence).
MOD, noun. (rock climbing) A moderately difficult route.
MOD, noun. (in the plural) (Oxford University) (informal) Moderations: university examinations generally taken in the first year.
MOD, noun. (mathematics) (programming) Abbreviation of modulus.
MOD, verb. (slang) To modify an object from its original condition, typically for the purposes of individualizing and/or enhancing the performance of the object.
MOD, verb. To moderate; to punish a rule-breaking user on a forum, especially when done by a moderator.
MOD, adjective. Abbreviation of moderate., as in: low, moderate, high
MOD CON, noun. A modern convenience, used to imply the subject is complete with all possible features, enhancements etc.
MOD CONS, noun. Plural of mod con
MOD MAN, noun. (slang) A person who experiments with and modifies the internals of machinery, electronics, or software that has been mass-produced; a creative mechanic or technician.
MOD MAN, noun. (informal) A man who is modern in style.
MOD MEN, noun. Plural of mod man
Dictionary definition
MOD, noun. A British teenager or young adult in the 1960s; noted for their clothes consciousness and opposition to the rockers.
MOD, adjective. Relating to a recently developed fashion or style; "their offices are in a modern skyscraper"; "tables in modernistic designs";.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul