Associations to the word «Og»
- Det
- Til
- Fra
- Om
- Som
- Av
- Gar
- Norway
- Liv
- Oslo
- Med
- Ea
- Fjord
- Hy
- Trondheim
- Io
- Pr
- Andre
- Ro
- Henrik
- Nd
- Den
- Ge
- Sig
- Maclean
- Hr
- Ir
- Jens
- Copenhagen
- Ci
- Angus
- Danish
- Ce
- Bergen
- Ra
- Norwegian
- Och
- Municipality
- Ig
- Harald
- Er
- Mandal
- Ar
- Pedersen
- Andersen
- Ri
- Hans
- Lu
- Ul
- Lister
- Dk
- Nils
- Vest
- En
- Chronology
- Rasmussen
- Lars
- Olsen
- Ag
- Christensen
- Ut
- Ry
- Mor
- Ta
- Ole
- Jensen
- Te
- Ni
- Var
- Lille
- Ev
- Nord
- Et
- Stave
- Ty
- Rn
- Pe
- Meg
- Es
- Hun
- Saga
- Nielsen
- Larsen
- Ng
- Johan
- Gale
- Moe
- Se
- Rt
- Ph
- Israelites
- Kan
OG, noun. Initialism of own goal.
OG, proper noun. (very rare) (outside the Bible) A male given name
OG, proper noun. (humorous) Popular supposed name for a caveman or other prehistoric man.
Wise words
The chief difference between words and deeds is that words
are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds
can be done only for God.