Associations to the word «Pc»
- Gamer
- Ibm
- Amiga
- Macintosh
- Atari
- Dos
- Laptop
- Workstation
- Xp
- Qc
- Intel
- Adapter
- Tablet
- Ds
- Console
- Gaming
- Rom
- Cpu
- Graphics
- Hardware
- Nintendo
- Modem
- Android
- Unix
- Microprocessor
- Compatibility
- Dl
- Linux
- Ps
- Kc
- Ign
- Processor
- Mac
- Ire
- Kb
- Ethernet
- Ms
- Commodore
- Clone
- Os
- Chaser
- Software
- Arcade
- Notebook
- Nokia
- Disk
- Simulator
- Graphic
- Rt
- Mb
- Server
- Computer
- Basic
- Byte
- Saturn
- Viscount
- Connector
- Packard
- Mobile
- Browser
- Interface
- Computing
- Controller
- Apple
- Multimedia
- Functionality
- Pb
- Router
- Plum
- Marquess
- Hp
- Acorn
- Gui
- Plus
- Tcp
- Midi
- Turbo
- Micro
Pictures for the word «Pc»

PC, symbol. (metrology) Symbol for the petacoulomb, an SI unit of electric charge equal to 1015 coulombs.
PC, adjective. Initialism of partially continuous.
PC, adjective. Initialism of politically correct.
PC, adjective. Initialism of pro-choice.
PC, adjective. (Canada) (politics) (dated) Initialism of Progressive Conservative.
PC, noun. Initialism of parsec.
PC, noun. Initialism of personal computer.
PC, noun. A personal computer that runs Microsoft Windows.
PC, noun. Initialism of photocopy.
PC, noun. Initialism of player character.
PC, noun. (British) (Canada) Initialism of police constable.
PC, noun. Initialism of political correctness.
PC, noun. (organic chemistry) Initialism of polycarbonate.
PC, noun. Initialism of posterior commissure.
PC, noun. Initialism of privy council.
PC, noun. Initialism of privy councillor.
PC, noun. (US) Initialism of probable cause.
PC, noun. Initialism of Probate Court.
PC, noun. (TV) Initialism of production code.
PC, noun. Initialism of Professional Corporation.
PC, noun. (computing) Initialism of program counter.
PC, noun. Initialism of progressive contextualization.
PC, noun. (Canada) (politics) (dated) Initialism of Progressive Conservative.
PC, noun. Initialism of protective custody.
PC, noun. Initialism of private chat.
PC, noun. Initialism of pubococcygeus muscle.
PC, noun. Initialism of professional cheerfulness.
PC, proper noun. Initialism of Proto-Celtic.
PC, proper noun. Initialism of Penn Central.
PC, proper noun. (US) (navy) Initialism of Coastal Patrol.
PC, proper noun. Initialism of Phrozen Crew.
PC, proper noun. (British) (politics) Initialism of Plaid Cymru.
PC, proper noun. (US) Initialism of Presbyterian Church.
PC, proper noun. (Canada) (politics) Initialism of Progressive Canadian Party.
PC, proper noun. (Canada) (politics) (dated) Initialism of Progressive Conservative Party.
PC, verb. (sometimes with up) To make politically correct.
PC, symbol. (astronomy) (metrology) parsec
PC, symbol. (typography) pica
PC, noun. Abbreviation of piece.
PC, abbreviation. Personal Computer
PC, abbreviation. Police Constable
PC, abbreviation. Politically Correct
PC, abbreviation. Postcard
PC, abbreviation. Percent
PC, symbol. (metrology) Symbol for the picocoulomb, an SI unit of electric charge equal to 10−12 coulombs.
PC CARD, noun. A removable memory or I/O device that fits into an expansion slot on a notebook computer or a personal digital assistant (PDA). PC Cards are used primarily in notebook computers and PDAs. PC Card peripherals include Wi-Fi network cards, memory cards, modems, wired NICs, and hard drives.
PC PLOD, noun. (British) (informal) (derogatory) A policeman (implying that he is dull and slow).
PC PLODS, noun. Plural of PC Plod
Dictionary definition
PC, noun. A small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time.
Wise words
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye.