Associations to the word «Commodore»
- Amiga
- Atari
- Vanderbilt
- Holden
- Decatur
- Bathurst
- V8
- Perry
- Flotilla
- Dos
- Dewey
- Macintosh
- Acorn
- Centurion
- Pennant
- Spectrum
- Stockton
- Basic
- Cbe
- Brock
- Frigate
- Flagship
- Anson
- Plus
- Barron
- Micro
- Pc
- Rowley
- Pet
- Yacht
- Ibm
- Rodgers
- Sloop
- Apple
- Squadron
- Perkins
- Commandant
- Midshipman
- Falcon
- Admiral
- Sedan
- Chevrolet
- Sinclair
- Caprice
- Disk
- Horatio
- Gunboat
- Convoy
- Nissan
- Graphics
- V6
- Harrington
- Computer
- Hms
- Matthew
- Tung
- Litre
- Raf
- Navy
- Erie
- Vc
- Cb
- Tripoli
- Cornelius
- Skyline
- Calais
- Obe
- Johnstone
- Blockade
- Naval
- Aubrey
- Kuhn
- Nintendo
- Fg
- Monterey
- Hazard
- Cruising
- Privateer
- Viceroy
- Cartridge
- Cornwallis
- Uss
- Braun
- Air
- Bmw
- Arcade
- Ute
- Graphic
- Pontiac
COMMODORE, noun. (military) (nautical) A naval officer holding a rank between captain and rear admiral.
COMMODORE, noun. (nautical) A (temporary) commander over a collection of ships who is not an admiral.
COMMODORE, noun. (nautical) The president of a yacht club
COMMODORE, noun. (US) (military) (nautical) A commodore admiral
COMMODORE, noun. (US) (military) (nautical) A rear admiral (lower half)
COMMODORE ADMIRAL, noun. (US) (military) (nautical) (historical) a flag officer of a rank between a captain and a rear admiral, having a O7 NATO rank scale equivalency.
COMMODORE ADMIRALS, noun. Plural of commodore admiral
Dictionary definition
COMMODORE, noun. A commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral.
Wise words
Many a true word is spoken in jest.