Associations to the word «Centurion»
- Albans
- Leigh
- Cohort
- Anson
- Pretoria
- Tribune
- Cornelius
- Cologne
- Legion
- Mk
- Rajput
- Crucifixion
- Commodore
- Salford
- Pompey
- Cassius
- Tank
- Hms
- Bulldog
- Claudius
- Gaius
- Lucius
- Patton
- Caesar
- Titus
- Stag
- Gloucester
- Warrington
- Prefect
- Cato
- Rochdale
- Rhino
- Sulla
- Carlisle
- Pounder
- Gaul
- Bronco
- Valour
- Johannesburg
- Doncaster
- Chieftain
- Battleship
- Halifax
- Hussar
- Armour
- Huddersfield
- Healing
- Crusader
- Crawley
- Gladiator
- Rigging
- Hammersmith
- Raider
- Corporal
- Bryant
- Wigan
- Ravens
- Exeter
- Chassis
- Midshipman
- Hornet
- Talon
- Nazareth
- Rufus
- Luton
- Julius
- Puma
- Sheffield
- Viceroy
- Ives
- Viper
- Leopard
- Cumbria
- Jesus
- Castor
- Cromwell
- Rover
- Titan
- Cougar
- Armor
- Bedford
- Plunder
- Oldham
- Europa
- Marcus
- Ipswich
- Bearer
- Wildcat
CENTURION, noun. An officer of the ancient Roman army, in command of a century of soldiers.
CENTURION, noun. (cricket) A player who scores a century.
Dictionary definition
CENTURION, noun. (ancient Rome) the leader of 100 soldiers.
Wise words
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.