Associations to the word «Legion»


LEGION, adjective. Numerous; vast; very great in number; multitudinous.
LEGION, noun. (military) (Ancient Rome) The major unit or division of the Roman army, usually comprising 3000 to 6000 infantry soldiers and 100 to 200 cavalry troops.
LEGION, noun. (military) (obsolete) a combined arms major military unit featuring cavalry, infantry, and artillery
LEGION, noun. (military) A large military or semimilitary unit trained for combat; any military force; an army, regiment; an armed, organized and assembled militia.
LEGION, noun. (often Legion or the Legion) A national organization or association of former servicemen, such as the American Legion, founded in 1919.
LEGION, noun. A large number of people; a multitude.
LEGION, noun. (often plural) A great number.
LEGION, noun. (dated) (taxonomy) A group of orders inferior to a class; in scientific classification, a term occasionally used to express an assemblage of objects intermediate between an order and a class.
LEGION OF HONOR, proper noun. The highest order of merit in France.
LEGION OF HONOR, proper noun. The medal awarded
LEGION OF HONOUR, proper noun. (UK) Alternative form of Legion of Honor

Dictionary definition

LEGION, noun. Archaic terms for army.
LEGION, noun. Association of ex-servicemen; "the American Legion".
LEGION, noun. A large military unit; "the French Foreign Legion".
LEGION, noun. A vast multitude.
LEGION, adjective. Amounting to a large indefinite number; "numerous times"; "the family was numerous"; "Palomar's fans are legion".

Wise words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.