Associations to the word «Pretoria»
- Transvaal
- Johannesburg
- Durban
- Boer
- Kimberley
- Natal
- Mandela
- Centurion
- Africa
- Burgher
- Currie
- Apartheid
- Marque
- Cape
- Rhodesia
- Hatfield
- South
- Jameson
- Botswana
- Embassy
- Kitchener
- Mozambique
- Arcadia
- Villiers
- Namibia
- Commando
- Roberts
- Nairobi
- Radcliffe
- Sundown
- Craven
- Suburb
- Brit
- Commandant
- Piazza
- Afb
- Rand
- Willem
- Kew
- Consulate
- Rugby
- Boys
- Burundi
- Lagos
- Capital
- Zimbabwe
- Bull
- Locomotive
- Wet
- Legislative
- Jess
- Freeway
- Ga
- Fontana
- Highlander
- Zambia
- Frieze
- Rhodes
- Proclamation
- Zulu
- Consul
- Muller
- Ox
- Johannes
- Dung
- Yeshiva
- Despatch
- Kv
- Angola
- Burger
- Beaufort
- Annexation
- Outskirt
- Bsc
- Eastwood
- Orange
- Porta
- Mauritius
- University
- Convention
- Cumbria
- Heidelberg
- Kemp
- Van
- Mathews
- Union
- Campus
- Commissioner
PRETORIA, proper noun. The administrative capital of South Africa. South Africa has two other capitals: the legislative capital Cape Town and the judicial capital Bloemfontein.
Dictionary definition
PRETORIA, noun. City in the Transvaal; the seat of the executive branch of the government of South Africa.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.