Associations to the word «Arcadia»


ARCADIA, proper noun. A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese that has a population of more than 110,000. Tripoli is the capital and a main city with a population over 22,000.
ARCADIA, proper noun. A mountainous region of ancient Greece.
ARCADIA, proper noun. A city in California, USA.
ARCADIA, proper noun. A city in Louisiana, USA.
ARCADIA, proper noun. A city in Missouri, USA.
ARCADIA, proper noun. An ideal region of rural and idyllic contentment.
ARCADIA, noun. Alternative letter-case form of Arcadia

Dictionary definition

ARCADIA, noun. A department of Greece in the central Peloponnese.

Wise words

Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.
C. S. Lewis