Associations to the word «Baldwin»
- Alec
- Flanders
- Boulogne
- Trier
- Jerusalem
- Antioch
- Crusader
- Stanley
- Wallace
- Locomotive
- Tripoli
- Godfrey
- Eustace
- Constantinople
- Whitehall
- Statesman
- Crusade
- Simeon
- Chekov
- Boniface
- Tina
- Chamberlain
- Fief
- Spencer
- Devon
- Cincinnati
- Ramsay
- Liz
- Regency
- Sloane
- Antigua
- Adam
- Templar
- Exchequer
- Jenna
- Hills
- Anjou
- Briggs
- Tyre
- Neville
- Racing
- Domesday
- Vo
- Conservatory
- Lucky
- Dwight
- Flint
- Sherman
- Matilda
- Isabella
- Chuck
- Aleppo
- Tab
- Coronation
- Arcadia
- Iv
- Damascus
- Legate
- Macdonald
- Gail
- Firefly
- Archbishop
- Lima
- Alabama
- Count
- Cooke
- Tracy
- Agnes
- Thierry
- Whaler
- Rancho
- Debra
- Lauren
- Venetian
- Barlow
- Mod
- Churchill
- Moore
- Raymond
- Nugent
- Daphne
- Ephraim
- Anita
- Balfour
- Canterbury
- Heiress
- Vassal
- Roger
- Abraham
- Cuthbert
- Diesel
- Casey
- Lemon
- Patriarch
- Judith
- Scotty
BALDWIN, proper noun. A male given name; rather rare in English.
BALDWIN, proper noun. A patronymic surname.
BALDWIN, proper noun. Stanley Baldwin, British Prime Minister.
BALDWIN, proper noun. King Baldwin IV, ruler of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem before the takeover of Saladin in 1187. He died in 1185 of complications of the socially unacceptable disease of leprosy. Also known as the leper king.
BALDWIN, proper noun. A town in Florida
BALDWIN, proper noun. A city in Georgia, USA
BALDWIN, proper noun. A village in Illinois
BALDWIN, proper noun. A city in Iowa
BALDWIN, proper noun. A town in Louisiana
BALDWIN, proper noun. A town in Maine
BALDWIN, proper noun. A village in Michigan
BALDWIN, proper noun. A town and a hamlet in New York
BALDWIN, proper noun. A township in Ontario, Canada
BALDWIN, proper noun. A borough in Pennsylvania
BALDWIN, proper noun. A town and village in Wisconsin
BALDWIN, noun. (US) A reddish, moderately acid, winter apple.
Dictionary definition
BALDWIN, noun. United States author who was an outspoken critic of racism (1924-1987).
BALDWIN, noun. English statesman; member of the Conservative Party (1867-1947).
BALDWIN, noun. An American eating apple with red or yellow and red skin.
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.