Associations to the word «Locomotive»


LOCOMOTIVE, noun. (rail transport) The power unit of a train which does not carry passengers or freight itself, but pulls the coaches or rail cars or wagons.
LOCOMOTIVE, noun. (rare) A traction engine
LOCOMOTIVE, noun. (slang) A cheer characterized by a slow beginning and a progressive increase in speed
LOCOMOTIVE, noun. (economics) A country which drives the world economy by having a high level of imports. (i.e. The United States).
LOCOMOTIVE, adjective. Of or relating to locomotion
LOCOMOTIVE, adjective. Of or relating to the power unit of a train which does not carry passengers or freight itself

Dictionary definition

LOCOMOTIVE, noun. A wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks.
LOCOMOTIVE, adjective. Of or relating to locomotion.

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