Associations to the word «Transvaal»
- Natal
- Pretoria
- Boer
- Johannesburg
- Currie
- Jameson
- Burgher
- Kimberley
- Annexation
- Zulu
- Orange
- Rhodesia
- Durban
- Botswana
- Mozambique
- Cape
- Marque
- Suriname
- Kv
- Colony
- Zimbabwe
- Free
- Kitchener
- Rhodes
- Africa
- Schwarz
- Ultimatum
- Namibia
- Provincial
- Apartheid
- Commando
- Gladstone
- Malawi
- Commandant
- Burger
- Scottish
- Zambia
- Cricketer
- Protectorate
- Chamberlain
- Republic
- Northern
- Rand
- Wicket
- Coloni
- Batsman
- Annex
- Raid
- Angola
- Cecil
- Englishmen
- Rey
- Mines
- Cricket
- Zanzibar
- Lions
- Colliery
- Nigel
- Np
- Wet
- Farrar
- Brit
- Bowler
- South
- Annal
- Gandhi
- Postage
- Mus
- Lorenzo
- Starr
- Clasp
- Administrator
- Province
- Despatch
- Seaport
- Anglo
- Johannes
- Legislative
- Natalia
- Incursion
- Concession
- Union
- Dutchman
- Heraldry
- Inning
- Telegram
- Annum
TRANSVAAL, proper noun. Geographical region in South Africa between the Vaal and Limpopo rivers. Was a province until 1994.
Dictionary definition
TRANSVAAL, noun. A province of northeastern South Africa originally inhabited by Africans who spoke Bantu; colonized by the Boers.
Wise words
The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of because words
diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem
timeless when they are in your head to no more than living
size when they are brought out.