Associations to the word «Darlington»


DARLINGTON, proper noun. A surname​.
DARLINGTON, proper noun. A town in Indiana
DARLINGTON, proper noun. An unincorporated community in Maryland
DARLINGTON, proper noun. A city in Missouri
DARLINGTON, proper noun. A borough in Pennsylvania
DARLINGTON, proper noun. A settlement in Prince Edward Island
DARLINGTON, proper noun. A city in South Carolina
DARLINGTON, proper noun. A city and town in Wisconsin
DARLINGTON, proper noun. A town in County Durham, northeast England
DARLINGTON, noun. (electronics) A pair of transistors with the emitter of one connected to the base of the other and the collectors connected together, acting as a transistor with greater amplification. Also called "Darlington pair".
DARLINGTON AMPLIFIER, noun. A current amplifier that utilizes a push-pull transistor
DARLINGTON AMPLIFIERS, noun. Plural of Darlington amplifier

Wise words

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe