Associations to the word «Moore»


MOORE, proper noun. Many toponymic place names, or parts of place names, derived from moor.
MOORE, proper noun. An English and Irish surname similarly derived.
MOORÉ, proper noun. Alternative spelling of More

Dictionary definition

MOORE, noun. United States composer of works noted for their use of the American vernacular (1893-1969).
MOORE, noun. English actor and comedian who appeared on television and in films (born in 1935).
MOORE, noun. English philosopher (1873-1958).
MOORE, noun. Irish poet who wrote nostalgic and patriotic verse (1779-1852).
MOORE, noun. United States poet noted for irony and wit (1887-1872).
MOORE, noun. British sculptor whose works are monumental organic forms (1898-1986).

Wise words

One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and in fewer words than prose.