Associations to the word «Botanic»
- Garden
- Belfast
- Kew
- Plant
- Arboretum
- Zoology
- Deception
- Botanist
- Botany
- Horticulture
- Curator
- Parkland
- Royal
- Edinburgh
- Penang
- Tallinn
- Dunedin
- Specimen
- Adelaide
- Durban
- Brisbane
- University
- Mueller
- Seedling
- Site
- Erasmus
- Orchid
- Hooker
- Rancho
- Ward
- Melbourne
- Brooklyn
- Juniper
- Gardener
- Nursery
- Flora
- Zoo
- Checklist
- Darwin
- Cheyenne
- Hectare
- Christchurch
- Claremont
- Cairns
- Oman
- Bose
- Balfour
- Superintendent
- Calcutta
- Arcadia
- Conservation
- Sydney
- Central
- Hackney
- Gardening
- Conservatory
- Conifer
- Wellesley
- Denver
- Geelong
- Singapore
- Concrete
- Greenhouse
- Dyer
- Redwood
- Parks
- Biodiversity
- Trustee
- Keeper
- Glasgow
- Chandra
- Www
- Cultivation
- Mango
- Rainforest
- Leiden
- Gibraltar
- Planting
- Dublin
BOTANIC, adjective. Of or pertaining to botany.
BOTANIC GARDEN, noun. A botanical garden
BOTANIC GARDENS, noun. Plural of botanic garden
Dictionary definition
BOTANIC, adjective. Of or relating to plants or botany; "botanical garden".
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.