Associations to the word «Leiden»
- Brill
- Utrecht
- Netherlands
- Pieter
- Hague
- Willem
- Rotterdam
- Ingrid
- Amsterdam
- Separatist
- Observatory
- Johannes
- Holland
- Papyrus
- Goethe
- Encyclopaedia
- Doctorate
- Rabbinic
- Van
- Publisher
- Sprinter
- Leben
- Dissertation
- Clot
- Javanese
- Antwerp
- Uppsala
- Thesis
- Theology
- Curator
- Den
- Linguistics
- Brewster
- Linguistic
- Phd
- Hermann
- Erasmus
- Ghent
- Dutch
- Astronomer
- Descartes
- Batavia
- Der
- Mutation
- Heidelberg
- Botany
- Talmud
- Boston
- Professorship
- Jan
- Professor
- Sitter
- Islam
- Astronomy
- Nag
- Antiquity
- Jar
- Christi
- Carver
- Cologne
- Anthropology
- Jurisprudence
- Gymnasium
- University
- Lecturer
- Schmidt
- Einstein
- Pilgrim
- Physics
- Padua
- Halle
- Supplement
- Esp
- Philo
- Herman
- Gent
- Winslow
- Tod
- Mysticism
- Bernhard
- Dike
- Oriental
- Manuscript
- Tibetan
- Bosch
LEIDEN, proper noun. A city in South Holland on the Old Rhine, seat of a famous Dutch university.
Dictionary definition
LEIDEN, noun. A city in the western Netherlands; residence of the Pilgrim Fathers for 11 years before they sailed for America in 1620.
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.