Associations to the word «Dissertation»
- Phd
- Doctorate
- Thesis
- Abstract
- Supervision
- Philology
- Bonn
- Jena
- Heidelberg
- Uppsala
- Urbana
- Monograph
- Arbor
- Freiburg
- Anthropology
- Hegel
- Kant
- Ph
- Phonology
- Champaign
- Harvard
- Linguistics
- Summa
- Advisor
- Halle
- Dept
- Leipzig
- Leiden
- Yale
- Berkeley
- Fellowship
- University
- Topic
- Sociology
- Mellon
- Linguistic
- Aquinas
- Philosophy
- Treatise
- Sur
- Theology
- Hilbert
- Undergraduate
- Lund
- Semantics
- Zambia
- Stanford
- Critique
- Supervisor
- Utrecht
- Princeton
- Zu
- Cornell
- Auf
- Essay
- Strasbourg
- Uni
- Economics
- Nietzsche
- Mathematics
- Humboldt
- Amherst
- Der
- Emory
- Periodical
- Syntax
- Une
- Psychology
- Aesthetics
- Boa
- Descartes
- Rutgers
DISSERTATION, noun. A formal exposition of a subject, especially a research paper that students write in order to complete the requirements for a doctoral degree; a thesis.
DISSERTATION, noun. A lengthy lecture on a subject; a treatise; a discourse; a sermon.
Dictionary definition
DISSERTATION, noun. A treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree.
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