Associations to the word «Comparative»
- Adjective
- Linguistics
- Phonology
- Anatomy
- Linguistic
- Sociology
- Morphology
- Perspective
- Positive
- Linguist
- Syntax
- Semantic
- Anthropology
- Genome
- Suffix
- Cognition
- Comparison
- Methodology
- Psychology
- Genetic
- Analysis
- Study
- Semantics
- Grammar
- Religion
- Literature
- Vocabulary
- Mythology
- Journal
- Approach
- Method
- Philology
- Evolution
- Weber
- Zoology
- Language
- Geology
- Theology
- Scholar
- Discipline
- Economic
- European
- Dictionary
- International
- Governance
- Assessment
- Context
- Theory
- Predicate
- Dialect
- Noun
- Physiology
- Phenotype
- Law
- Plural
- Gibbons
- Np
- Neurology
- Verb
- Paleontology
- Jurisprudence
- Planck
- Phylogeny
- Vertebrate
- Specific
- Adjective
- Interdisciplinary
- Evolutionary
- Qualitative
- Anthropological
- Linguistic
- Lexical
- Analytic
- Physiological
- Descriptive
- Historical
- Empirical
- Syntactic
- Quantitative
- Grammatical
- Developmental
- Analytical
- Theoretical
- Cultural
- Comparative
- Institutional
- Degree
- Theological
- Molecular
- Vertebrate
- Phylogenetic
- Positioning
- Polynesian
- Irregular
- Geologic
- Carnivorous
- Methodological
- Proto
- Semitic
COMPARATIVE, adjective. Of or relating to comparison.
COMPARATIVE, adjective. Using comparison as a method of study, or founded on something using it.
COMPARATIVE, adjective. Approximated by comparison; relative.
COMPARATIVE, adjective. (obsolete) Comparable; bearing comparison.
COMPARATIVE, noun. (grammar) A construction showing a relative quality, in English usually formed by adding more or appending -er. For example, the comparative of green is greener; of evil, more evil.
COMPARATIVE, noun. (grammar) A word in the comparative form.
COMPARATIVE, noun. (obsolete) An equal; a rival; a compeer.
COMPARATIVE, noun. (obsolete) One who makes comparisons; one who affects wit.
COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE, noun. (economics) the ability to produce a particular good at a lower relative opportunity cost than another producer
COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, noun. The study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of organisms.
COMPARATIVE CASE, noun. (grammar) A case used to mark a likeness to something, or that two things have the same quantity of something. It corresponds roughly to the English adverb "like". Languages that use the comparative case include Mari, Nivkh, and Chechen.
COMPARATIVE CASES, noun. Plural of comparative case
COMPARATIVE DEGREE, noun. (grammar) Adverbial or adjectival forms modified by more or ending in -er, used when comparing two things.
COMPARATIVE DEGREES, noun. Plural of comparative degree
COMPARATIVE ETHICS, noun. (anthropology) (sociology) (ethics) A type of descriptive ethics, focussed on studying the nature and origins of beliefs about morality held by people in diverse social or cultural groups.
COMPARATIVE LINGUIST, noun. Linguist whose field is comparative linguistics.
COMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS, noun. (linguistics) A branch of historical linguistics that is concerned with comparing languages in order to establish their historical relatedness.
COMPARATIVE METHOD, noun. (linguistics) A technique for studying the development of languages by performing a feature-by-feature comparison of two or more languages with a common ancestor.
COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE, noun. (grammar) In Spanish: the superlative form of an adjective when it is used in a grammatically comparative situation.
Dictionary definition
COMPARATIVE, noun. The comparative form of an adjective or adverb; "`faster' is the comparative of the adjective `fast'"; "`less famous' is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous'"; "`more surely' is the comparative of the adverb `surely'".
COMPARATIVE, adjective. Relating to or based on or involving comparison; "comparative linguistics".
COMPARATIVE, adjective. Estimated by comparison; not absolute or complete; "a relative stranger".
Wise words
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two
words when one will do.