Associations to the word «Verb»
- Tense
- Noun
- Adjective
- Pronoun
- Inflection
- Suffix
- Singular
- Predicate
- Prefix
- Auxiliary
- Plural
- Negation
- Clause
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Vowel
- Np
- Consonant
- Derivation
- Semantic
- Stem
- Sentence
- Complement
- Phonology
- Phrase
- Perfect
- Mood
- Marker
- Possessor
- Paradigm
- Active
- Lexicon
- Modality
- Inversion
- Syllable
- Ir
- Numeral
- Meaning
- Marking
- Grammar
- Ending
- Object
- Plurality
- Ib
- Nom
- Cor
- Theta
- Subject
- Semantics
- Antecedent
- Sg
- Conjunction
- Concord
- Tense
- Adjective
- Syntactic
- Grammatical
- Lexical
- Plural
- Modal
- Indicative
- Auxiliary
- Passive
- Verbal
- Imperative
- Consonant
- Irregular
- Finite
- Semantic
- Morphological
- Singular
- Thematic
- Unmarked
- Imperfect
- Nominal
- Defective
- Germanic
- Proto
- Substantive
- Root
- Conditional
- Indirect
- Phonological
- Subordinate
- Indefinite
- Obligatory
- Past
- Compound
- Compounded
- Oblique
- Subject
- Semitic
- Habitual
- Cf
- Archaic
- Meaning
VERB, noun. (grammar) A word that indicates an action, event, or state.
VERB, noun. (obsolete) Any word; a vocable.
VERB, verb. (transitive) (nonstandard) (colloquial) To use any word that is not a verb (especially a noun) as if it were a verb.
VERB, verb. (used as a neutral, unspecific verb) (often in linguistics and the social sciences) To perform any action that is normally expressed by a verb.
VERB PHRASE, noun. (linguistics) A construction in a clause consisting of a verb and its internal complements, objects, or modifiers.
VERB PHRASE, noun. (grammar) A phrase that functions syntactically as a verb, consisting of a main verb and any auxiliaries.
VERB PHRASES, noun. Plural of verb phrase
Dictionary definition
VERB, noun. The word class that serves as the predicate of a sentence.
VERB, noun. A content word that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of existence.
Wise words
Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your
words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they
become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your
character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.