Associations to the word «Phonology»
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Phoneme
- Semantic
- Orthography
- Lexicon
- Consonant
- Vowel
- Linguistics
- Semantics
- Pho
- Linguistic
- Vocabulary
- Syllable
- Grammar
- Pronunciation
- Linguist
- Dialect
- Articulation
- Halle
- Inflection
- Derivation
- Tense
- Noun
- Verb
- Yearbook
- Pronoun
- Mor
- Philology
- Borrowing
- Universal
- Mandarin
- Alphabet
- Negation
- Assimilation
- Lan
- Plural
- Suffix
- Mayan
- Language
- Adjective
- Sanskrit
- Constraint
- Accent
- Turkic
- Yiddish
- Spelling
- Goldsmith
- Firth
- Prague
- Transcription
- Kaye
- Javanese
- Mongolian
- Dissertation
- Discourse
- Inventory
- Yoruba
- Dependency
- Reconstruction
- Classification
- Cree
- Phonological
- Lexical
- Phonetic
- Consonant
- Proto
- Linguistic
- Syntactic
- Semitic
- Grammatical
- Aryan
- Elsevier
- Morphological
- Comparative
- Nasal
- Romance
- Cantonese
- Slavic
- Germanic
- Descriptive
- Perceptual
- Polynesian
- Khmer
- Caucasian
- Semantic
- Arabic
- Distinctive
- Intelligible
- Computational
- Tibetan
- Andean
- Creole
- Stressed
- Basque
- Pragmatic
- Habitual
- Macro
PHONOLOGY, noun. (linguistics) (uncountable) The study of the way sounds function in languages, including phonemes, syllable structure, stress, accent, intonation, and which sounds are distinctive units within a language.
PHONOLOGY, noun. (linguistics) (countable) The way sounds function within a given language.
Dictionary definition
PHONOLOGY, noun. The study of the sound system of a given language and the analysis and classification of its phonemes.
Wise words
To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of
understanding; one must use the same words for the same
genus of inward experience; ultimately one must have one's
experiences in common.