Associations to the word «Slavic»
- Slav
- Macedonian
- Croatian
- Bulgarian
- Croat
- Albanian
- Turkic
- Balkans
- Serbian
- Serb
- Rus
- Ukrainian
- Lithuanian
- Romanian
- Philology
- Macedonia
- Celtic
- Byzantine
- Reflex
- Hungarian
- Borrowing
- Linguistics
- Czech
- Vowel
- Polish
- Dialect
- Pomeranian
- Phonology
- Russian
- Consonant
- Armenian
- Turkish
- Principality
- European
- Yiddish
- Linguist
- Latin
- Greek
- Bulgaria
- Pomerania
- Suffix
- Steppe
- Pie
- Language
- Adjective
- Alphabet
- Mythology
- Novgorod
- Rani
- Thrace
- Pan
- Kiev
- Danube
- Linguistic
- Orthodox
- Assimilation
- Accent
- Syllable
- Tribe
- Serbia
- Sanskrit
- Ethnicity
SLAVIC, adjective. Of the Slavs, their culture or the branch of the Indo-European language associated with them.
SLAVIC STUDIES, noun. (humanities) (US) academic field of area studies concerned with Slavic areas, Slavic languages, literature, history, and culture
Dictionary definition
SLAVIC, noun. A branch of the Indo-European family of languages.
SLAVIC, adjective. Of or relating to Slavic languages.
Wise words
Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and
meanings differently arranged have different effects.