Associations to the word «Croat»
- Serb
- Herzegovina
- Bosnia
- Croatian
- Yugoslavia
- Croatia
- Slav
- Sarajevo
- Zagreb
- Serbian
- Cleansing
- Serbia
- Muslim
- Hungarian
- Novi
- Partisan
- Romanian
- Belgrade
- Tito
- Balkans
- Civilian
- Ethnicity
- Graz
- Montenegro
- Atrocity
- Habsburg
- Unification
- Nationality
- Kosovo
- Fascist
- Presidency
- Nationalist
- Austrian
- Nationalism
- Minority
- Massacre
- Croat
- Hungary
- Italian
- Refugee
- Orthodox
- Autonomy
- Catholic
- Majority
- Federation
- Indictment
- Tribunal
- Propaganda
- Montenegrin
- Territory
- Jews
- Coalition
- Entity
- Persecution
- Macedonian
- Homeland
- Republic
- Agreement
- Albanian
- Canton
- Territorial
- Bulgarian
- Independence
- Tension
- Ivan
- Slovakia
- German
- Referendum
- Conflict
- Split
- Confrontation
CROAT, noun. A native or inhabitant of Croatia; a person of Croatian citizenship or ethnicity.
CROAT, noun. (dated) An irregular soldier, generally from Croatia.
CROAT, proper noun. (uncommon) The Croatian lect.
Dictionary definition
CROAT, noun. A member of the Slavic people living in Croatia.
Wise words
Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.