Associations to the word «Confrontation»
- Borneo
- Demonstrator
- Protester
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Skirmish
- Clause
- Sarawak
- Minesweeper
- Brawl
- Malaya
- Clash
- Marley
- Cartel
- Raw
- Nasser
- Militant
- Brunei
- Sabah
- Showdown
- Climax
- Guerrilla
- Tension
- Riot
- Insurgency
- Avenger
- Conflict
- Incursion
- Batman
- Nemesis
- Avoidance
- Provocation
- Emergency
- Eunuch
- Buffy
- Soviets
- Soviet
- Miner
- Police
- Diplomacy
- Therapist
- Looming
- Feud
- Gotham
- Tactic
- Violence
- Anarchist
- Demonstration
- Warlord
- Protest
- Cold
- Containment
- Faction
- Ultimatum
- Nationalist
- Adversary
- Negotiation
CONFRONTATION, noun. The act of confronting or challenging another, especially face-to-face
CONFRONTATION, noun. A conflict between armed forces
Dictionary definition
CONFRONTATION, noun. A bold challenge.
CONFRONTATION, noun. Discord resulting from a clash of ideas or opinions.
CONFRONTATION, noun. A hostile disagreement face-to-face.
CONFRONTATION, noun. The act of hostile groups opposing each other; "the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions"; "the invaders encountered stiff opposition".
CONFRONTATION, noun. A focussed comparison; bringing together for a careful comparison.
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